t w e n t y - s e v e n

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t w e n t y - s e v e n

The patrol wolf shifts and bounds away in the opposite direction, as two wolves emerge from the dark. Their fur form is large, and big. But Adah wasn't threatened by that – she had just spent an entire evening with Alpha's. Her wolf was one of them now.

The wolves walk slow, taking their time. Micajah doesn't say a word. His jaw is clenched, and he refuses to let Adah go. Uriah and Jayden step forward, broad forms intimidating. Everyone's features are stoic and slack, but Adah's eyes go everywhere, watching these wolves.

She had heard much of the Elder Council and it's members, but she never met any of them. Her wolf is curious. They were said to be legends. She knew the Elder Council members had changed when Micajah took the throne, expect for the three who had stayed. The three who wanted Micajah dead the minute he was born. The three who had been there the longest.

They come up to the monarch's face, shifting and standing. A few maids quickly scuttle and give them some clothing, which is slowly changed into, eyes unmoving from them. Micajah's eyes glow lightly, the wolf within him sneering and snarling. He didn't want them here. Not so close to Adah.

He certainly doesn't appreciate the eyes looming over his mate, lips curving into a smirk. The two males were young, about the same age as Uriah and Micajah. Jayden and Adah were younger by a couple years.

They were both tall and lean. One had a mop of honey blond curls, and the other raven black locks that were long, and thick, braided in numerous locks.

"My Queen. A pleasure to meet you. I didn't expect you to be this stunning," the blonde says first, lips curling into a smirk.

"You aren't old," is the first thing she mutters, because her mind doesn't wrap around it. The blonde laughs, voice musical.

"No, my majesty. I am not. In fact, me and my friend here, are the youngest to be appointed, in the history of the Elder Council. Normally, they hire men that are old, retired and wise. They thought they would become more diverse in terms of age this year," he smirks.

"Too bad they can't become more diverse in terms of gender. 10 members and not one woman. What type of representation is that?" she rolls her eyes, and the blonde chuckles.

"Ah, well if the women in our council looked like you, I don't think anything would get done," he winks, and a growl from Micajah's throat makes the blond stop grinning.

"I mean no harm. I am naturally like this to both males and females my King," his tone isn't mocking, but it isn't friendly.

"What is your purpose here?" Micajah demands, the blonde shrugs.

"Curiosity really," his eyes looking at all of them.

"You see, just like the Kingdom, the Elder Council is split too. Well, not split. Eight of us hate you," he murmurs, almost to himself. Micajah says nothing.

"It's only us two that are wavering. We didn't get an invite to your gathering, so we crashed it. Seems like we did it a little late though," the blonde murmurs.  Micajah still doesn't respond.

"Wavering?" Uriah asks, and the blond nods.

"You see, we're neutral at the moment," the blonde murmurs. The wolves come to a silence, sniffing each other out, sussing the words said.

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