t w e n t y - t w o

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t w e n t y - t w o 

A few hectic days had passed, and Adah was exhausted. It was currently just after lunch, in the middle of the day. Her form was tired, her head was tired and all she wanted to do was to go to bed and not wake up for a month. A lot had happened over these last few days. Many more outbreaks of protests had occurred from mainly the north – the neighboring packs of Alpha Tyler's had joined him, and slowly by slowly an uprising was forming.

It wasn't anything aggressive or violent – yet. But the accumulation of distaste for Micajah had grown, and everything was plastered publicly for all the packs across the country to see. The incident of Micajah killing the wolves had gone big, and some of the pack members who had left the pack, accounted for it, giving full gory details of how it went down. Again, some aspects were missed, like the fact that these wolves had done something that had ended up in consequence – a punishment that Micajah could deem- and the fact that they killed two pack members.

Micajah's name was being slated. He was called an abomination and much worse. He didn't think any of it though. All the headlines were what he always knew people thought of him. They were what he thought of himself at one point – Adah was slowly changing that. 

Who would kiss a monster, and tell them all the things she said? It had to mean he wasn't one. He trusted Adah's judgement over his own.

Micajah was changing – he knew that. Adah was doing that, the moment he marked her. She never saw how bad it was, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell her. She saw enough, from the way he had killed those wolves. That's all he wanted her to see. 

Adah had spent the last few days calling up every single Luna in the country. Every one of them picked up, some weren't favourable, some were just polite, and others were in sure agreement. Micajah had the rougher end of the spectrum with the Alpha's. They didn't say anything to his face – Micajah's voice alone was threatening- but he could gauge where they stood.

Micajah outranked any one of these packs – but when they come together, it wasn't the fact that they had physical advantages, that was no matter for him, it hurt his wolf to see his people turn. He was mentally weakened.

Adah's and Micajah's own pack was growing in worry. To combat this, both of them would visit the packhouse every evening and have dinner there, with their pack members, and engage in light conversation. Their presence would encourage the feeling of protection and serenity, and it had helped.

Adah was now currently heading to the big meeting Micajah had pronounced the few days earlier. Her eyes could fall asleep any moment, but she had asked for some black coffee earlier, and she was just waiting for that to kick in. She's the last person to reach the conference room. The atmosphere is dim. Micajah's features are stoic, brooding. That lessens when he notices in her, wolf yearning for her immediately.

"I apologise for my lack of punctuality. I was held up with the female warrior meeting," she mutters, earning respectful nods from the other wolves.

"Jayden? The agenda?" Micajah says, rubbing his temples. Adah puts her hand over his, watching the tension roll off his shoulders.

"Let's talk about the phone calls and how that went down," checking the list in his notebook, hazel eyes looking at his King and Queen expectantly.

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