t w e n t y

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t w e n t y 

His silver eyes dote upon the words written on the letter, his jaw clenching a little harder and his form a little tenser. He doesn't say anything, his hand pulling away from Adah, keeping to himself as the wolf within grows in fury. He didn't want to accidentally hurt her again, or anyone for that matter. He made a silent promise to Adah for change.

He inhales deeply, before standing up abruptly.

"I'm going for a run. Jayden, I need you to call for a meeting for the next hour. Have everyone there," his tone is snappy, becoming distant. He leaves the room without another look back, the letter still clutched in the palm of his hand.

The figures in the room are left stunned momentarily, silence heeding upon them. Jayden is the one to leave first, heading to do as his King instructed. Uriah comes to sit with Adah by the fire. Not a word is spoken, the two thinking deeply, eyes watching the flames crackle.

The other wolves have already arrived when Adah and Uriah enter the conference room. Jayden and Micajah are yet to make an appearance. Much of the same wolves that were present during Adah's first meeting, were here. A few weren't.

"Well, I'm glad to see you wolves stayed. Thank you, for being loyal," Adah murmurs, lips curved at the memory, standing before them. There were about six now.

"Well, your words were hard to not listen to. You were right my majesty," one them says, reflecting back to the outburst Adah had in the very first meeting. Her lips prevent a smile.

"It's Adah. I don't want to be correcting any of you again. I presume I'll be spending a lot of time with you. Right?" her head turns to Uriah, whose dazed off in his seat. He snaps back to attention.

"Yes, yes. These are the wolves that lead specific sectors. We meet with them weekly, so get all friendly. They can introduce themselves," he waves off.

The wolves correspond. You had the leading warrior, the leading pack doctor and several other such positions, with an even mix of females and males. Adah nods, smiling at each of them warmly. She heads over, sitting down in her seat.

Micajah and Jayden enter seconds later. Adah looks at her mate, brows furrowed softly with worry. Thankfully, he looked a lot better, and was fresh out of the shower. His sleek, black locks were still slightly damp. He wore a big, black hoodie and some gym shorts.

His features seemed more composed, but his form was still tense, the letter burdening him. He sits down, and Adah reaches for his hand firmly underneath the table, lacing it with hers. His silver eyes look up at her softly, before leaning over to kiss her temple.

He leans back in his chair, clearing his throat. He stalls a little, unsure of how to begin.

"First of all, thank you all for coming at such short notice. It is really appreciated. We know that this time of night was meant to be spent with your loved ones, and your friends. So again, thank you for giving us your time," Adah begins for him.

He takes another deep breath. Adah's grip firms slightly, encouraging him, dark eyes gazing at him.

"You wolves sit with me here today in full trust. I have no doubt in you, and I hope you have no doubt in me. Else you would've left when given the opportunity a while back, just like those wolves who no longer sit in this room. This goes without saying, but I will remind you again. What is discussed does not leave this room. Not even to your mates, any other wolf in this pack, or outside of it. Just like every other matter we talk about in here. Is that understood?" his tone is a little hard.

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