f o u r

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f o u r 

Adah doesn't know what to feel. Her eyes fall upon his. She can feel the bond threading between them, weaving their souls together to become one. His face is stoic and expressionless, yet his eyes bore everything he won't say. Her face is slack. She doesn't know what to do, what to say or what to think.

Her head hurts, so many questions pounding internally. She doesn't want to deal with any of it at the moment, pushing them away and just letting herself feel hollow.

Stunned silence sweeps across the room, before a slow, soft clap begins, which becomes louder before the whole room claps in congratulations. The Kingdom finally has a Queen, and now has two able rulers.

Adah doesn't move, her eyes now fitted to the floor and nothing else. She's attempting to control her breathing and bring it back to normality, but her heart is thumping so violently, it might burst from her ribcage, and she can hear nothing but the sound of her blood gushing through her ears.

The royal beta comes to both of them, his expression genuine and casual.

"Adah Erin, right?" he asks, and Adah nods without lifting her eyes from the ground, before listening to the beta announce her name to the room. By tomorrow, the entire werewolf kingdom would now know her name.

She refuses to move, and the King leans to the beta, murmuring something too quiet for her ears. The room begins to empty, everyone piles out. Adah's eyes spot Luna Mariah, who gives her a warm smile and nothing else, though her eyes are full of worry. Adah can't respond, trapped feeling hollow.

The room is emptied in a matter of minutes, only left with a few maids and butlers who are clearing the tables away.

The King is still stood before her, and Adah's eyes are still fixated on the ground, physically unable to move anywhere. Her wolf is still belly up, but now humming in pleasure. She likes the fact that a male as strong as this wants her.

A deep sigh emanates from him, and he takes her hand. Surprisingly, his fingers are warm, which stuns her because his aura is so cold and calloused. Without a word, he turns on his heel and pulls her along.

They leave the ballroom, venturing deeper into the palace. His grip is firm, but not harsh. Adah can't think, can't absorb anything. She just walks behind him, lost in her own head. They venture for a while, now deep into the palace. After climbing a few flights of stairs, they halt outside a room. A maid waits patiently outside of it, but after a small exchange of words Adah doesn't care to hear, the maid enters with them.

She enters the room, and immediately is encased with the scent of the King. The bond is still threading, so her wolf revels in the scent. It's powerful, domineering and terrifying, but slowly as the bond sets, Adah yearns for it.

The room was big, yet seemed empty. Adah's head couldn't register anything but emptiness. The King stands with her, and she feels suffocated. She wanted to be alone.

The maid nods at them both respectfully.

"Your majesty, all the proper arrangements have been made, suited for you. Your clothes will be in the walk-in to the left of the bed, and the bathroom is directly opposite," the maid directs Adah and she nods numbly, briefly wondering how within the span of seconds they managed to accommodate her so quickly.

"Thank you," her voice is soft and quiet, too tired to even think. She wanted to sleep and wake up from this, hoping it was just a nightmare.

The maid leaves, leaving her alone with the King. Utter silence accompanies them.

"Adah?" his voice is velvet. Her eyes peek up at him, their hands still entwined loosely. She looks at them, but doesn't make a move to pull away.

The King doesn't respond to her eyes, instead leading her with a hand to her lower back to the closet. Their eyes meet in understanding, and he nods before retreating out of it. The closet was arranged in sections, and she found the sleepwear section.

Her cheeks tinge a little pink. Whoever did this closet, must've known about her sleeping in lace sets. She loved going to bed feeling beautiful, because it made her wake up feeling beautiful. It was things like that, that she implemented after her true mate's rejection, to help build her self-worth back up.

She grabs the black set, alongside some black cotton socks, before heading out of the closet and immediately into the bathroom, eyes not wandering to the King lounging on the bed. Her cheeks tinge more.

They were going to share a bed.

Adah couldn't do this. Taking a deep breath, she pushes her worries to the back of her head. Her sleeping arrangements were not going to change. The King was her mate. That was that.

She needed to stop thinking about everything,

Mindlessly she showered - they had stocked up the bathroom with products she would have had in her home. She only needed to wash her body - her hair was recently washed and would be fine for the next week. After hopping out of the shower, and drying herself, she slips into her sleepwear and socks. She brushes her teeth and cleanses her face, before heading out of the bathroom.

Her movement is tentative, as she enters the bedroom. Her eyes fall upon the King, lounging on the bed. The blazer of the grey suit he wore is off, and draped across the back of a chair, and his white shirt is loosened, showing his broad frame a little more. His hair is ruffled, and messy. His focus isn't on her. He's propped, wearing wide-framed glasses and reading a book.

The action makes her feel a little less terrified. Reading a book grounded him for her. It also makes her falter. A male more wolf than man - reading a book? She shakes her thoughts. She didn't know him and couldn't judge him based off a few poor rumours.

His eyes come up to hers then, and for a short second they dance violently with grey flames, flames that were starving to ravish her, that wanted to devour her instantly. They were so intense, that Adah could practically see the wolf wanting to lung and pin her beneath in instantly. The bond sizzles between them. That momentary look on his face suddenly made her believe the rumours.

The fires in his eyes cease as quick as they came, eyes becoming blank canvases. Wordlessly, the King heads picks up a pile of clothes from the bed, and heads into the shower.

Adah heads into the bed, coveting herself in the grey sheets, curling right at the very edge of the bed. She would ponder over the events of the day, or what just happened but that just would scare her. Her mind becomes blank, and the verge of sleep begins to lull her.

She's much too drowsy to move when she hears the bathroom door faintly open, and when a warm figure enters the bed. Softly, hands pull her away from the edge of the bed, much closer to the centre, and leave her there, no longer touching her. She can feel his form leaning to hover over hers, can feel his eyes grazing over every feature of her face, but the sleep is too tempting to resist.

At last the King flops down to his side, and she finally is captivated by sleep.

A/N - what do you think?

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