n i n e t e e n

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n i n e t e e n 

It's a little after lunch now, and Adah didn't want to stay inside anymore. Micajah had been called away by other matters and was working on things with Jayden. She was without him for most of the morning.

She didn't mind, it gave her a chance to pick herself back up slowly, and come to terms with everything going on inside her head, from the events in her home pack, to the words Micajah told her, brimming with truth. Her skin flushes, her fingertips coming up to her lips after remembering their kiss.

Adah sighs, before making her way to the courtyard of the palace. She's met immediately with Lupus and Orion – her personal guards.

"I believe Beta Uriah is training some of the juvenile wolves right now. Would it please be okay if we went?" she asks, tone low. Both males nod.

The walk to the training ground isn't long. Snow had fallen over the night, making the floor icy and the land hazed with specs of white. It's cold, and the air is brisk to touch. Adah wasn't complaining. Her clothing was warm and snug, and she liked how the cold felt against her face. It felt refreshing. She liked how her boots sounded across the floor, and how whenever she exhaled a string of condensed air passed out. Winter wasn't that bad.

The training ground holds around sixty juvenile males. Uriah had told her over breakfast, that recently these juvenile males had come of age through the summer months, and hence could begin prepping to become warriors. They always started the new rounds of training through the season change. Uriah always started them off, before they were passed down to the elite warriors.

She heads over to the perimeter of the grounds, plopping her form down on the frozen grass and crossing her legs. Orion and Lupus talk quietly together at a sensible distance from her. Her fingers become icy numb quickly, so she pulls out a pair of gloves from her pocket, pulling them over.

Her eyes latch to the males training before her, watching them carefully. This pack did things a little differently than her home pack. The juvenile wolves were started off young here – at the ripe age of fourteen. The more she watched, the more she realised that the training was much more vigorous, and didn't entail of only physical workouts, but mental strengths like patience and commitment.

It was rough, in fact it took such a toll on these boys that most of them walked around shirtless in the freezing cold, among ground that had been iced over.

She had never seen Uriah be so strict, and so brutal. He took the terminology of 'tough love' to a whole new level. He pushed the wolves until they broke, and then pushed them more. But he gave credit when it was due, and gave encouragement to the ones that listened. He hadn't grinned once here to her surprise. She always thought Uriah was easy-going and laidback. Maybe that was only when he wasn't in his role.

She isn't surprised that the training was so vigorous either – this is the King's pack, the defences had to be immaculate. But she had a suspicion Uriah was preparing them for something more. She didn't want to think about it. Everything seemed to be settled at the moment.

About twenty minutes or so later, the training ceases. Uriah heads over to Adah, who's still sitting on the ground watching the large group of males dissipate. Many of them caught her sitting there, and some were respectful and waved, to which Adah waved back.

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