Fitz's Story

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This chapter was brought to you bye... me!

But this is that special chapter I was talking about. Thank you muradir for suggesting this chapter!

This chapter will be entirely from Fitz's POV of the day he and Sophie met.


I've just been told by my mother and father than I'm getting married, to a woman I have never met or seen, no less.

The walls seem to close in around me suffocate me.

Even thought I've thought about about the idea of an arranged marriage since forever, almost every royal goes through this.

But now that it's happening, that the plan has been set in motion, I can't help but feel scared.

I'm not supposed to be like this. I'm the second oldest in the kingdom, I have to put on a front and be strong.

I will technically be the oldest soon, however. And if right on cue, Alvar, my eldest brother walks around the corner and into the same hall.

"Ah! Little brother!" He rushes towards me, his perfect hair doesn't move as he runs and his dark clothes do not wrinkle. "Just the man I was looking for,"

"Hello, Alvar," I sigh. "What is it?"

My tone let's him know I'm not in the mood for talking. But my brother was always aloof and silly.

He nudges my arm, "I'm leaving earlier than expected, I know, you're gonna miss me so much,"

"Yeah, right," I laugh. "Where are you going, anyway?"

His eyes look scared when I ask. But he covers it with a smile. "I'm off to start commanding an army for another kingdom. Far away, I'm afraid,"

"If you say so..."

"Aww, c'mon. You're not normally this mopey,"

"I am not mopey, I don't mope,"

"Then why are you moping as we speak?"

"Stop saying mope,"

"Okay..." Silence ensues. "You mope," he finishes and I feel like my head is going to blow off my shoulders any minute.

"Can we not poke fun at me? I have a lot on my mind," I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose between my thumb and index finger.

"Yeah? Like your new girlfriend?" He smiles like an idiot.

"Fiancé," I correct him, but the word doesn't make me feel any better. "I don't even know what she looks like, and I'm expected to marry a complete stranger,"

"Ah, but that's why I was looking for you," Alvar reached into his pocket and pulled out a dark orb,"

"A SpyBall?" I ask, puzzled. "SpyBalls are still in the process of invention, how did you get one?"

"I have my ways," he grins wide. "Now, what's the girl's name?"

"I think it was Sophie Ruewen, but I don't think this is a good idea-,"

It's too late. He whispers her name into the ball and scans to make sure no one is around.

An image of a beautiful blonde woman shows up. She looks about 18, mature and... sad.

Something in me just feels it. She's unhappy, she wants to know things but can't seem to remember.

She has long blonde hair, going down to her waist. The white diamond colored dress she is wearing is breathtaking, a deep cut back and a skirt and train that stretch out behind her.

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