No Reason to Worry

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"Are you positive she's okay?" Fitz asked in a worried tone.

"Do you not trust me? I thought for a boy who I've known since he was a baby would." Elwin laughed.

"You know what I mean."

Silence fell over them.

"Fitz, I understand she's your fiancé, but you need to get some rest. You haven't slept since you guys brought her back."

"It's been a week, Elwin. I thought she'd wake up."

"If she woke up, she'd be in immense pain. I'm keeping her heavily sedated. Her body is exhausted. I just don't know why..."

"You're a physician! It's your job to know! I-."

"Fitz," Keefe said from the doorway. "Go get some rest. I'll watch over her."

"But what if-,"

"Well get you if anything happens. Go on."

Fitz begrudgingly walked off, mumbling about how he should stay and that he didn't need sleep.

"How is she?" Keefe asked after a while of silence.

Elwin waved him over to Sophie. They crouched down next to her cot.

He proceeded to grab her arms gently, turning them and displaying burns. "Something awful possessed the kidnappers to do this. She's only 18, so young and so innocent. She didn't ask for any of this."

"Yeah..any way to treat them?" Keefe asked.

"Yes, but I want to wait until she's awake. I've basically flooded her system with elixirs that I don't know if it will be safe to do more. For now, at least."

Keefe nodded. "Poor thing."

Silence returned over them once again.

A cough broke that silence.

Sophie coughed like she's been ingesting smoke for hours.

"Well speak of the devil!" Elwin smiled. "Welcome back to consciousness."

"Elwin..?" Sophie looked up at him and spoke with a weak and gravely filled voice. Her eyes watered.

"Yeah.." He bent down and gently hugged her. She winched from the pain, but she hugged him back.

"Guess those sedatives didn't do much after all." Elwin said when they pulled apart.

"Sedatives..." Sophie's thoughts trailed off, but she pulled them back to the present moment. "Hello, Keefe."

"Oh come on," he smirked, "no hug for me?"

Elwin pulled out his imparter and walked to the other side of the room.

"As far as I know, you haven't been a doctor for me." She teased.

"I've been the doctor of humor and entertainment. And good looks."

"Keep telling yourself that." She laughed. Just that simple action surprised her. She hasn't laughed in so long.

"Guess we should go get Fitz?" Keefe asked Elwin.

"He should be here in about five seconds." Elwin informed them.

Almost on cue, a messy haired boy with teal eyes burst through the door. He smiled, running over to her.

She held out her arms, but he disregarded that. He picked her up and spun her around.

"You're alive!" He cried.

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