Love and Leave

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Sophie ran last down the hall as fast as she could while putting on her shoes. She had a hair tie in her mouth, held by her teeth and was half barefoot.

Late for training, she put on her other shoe and poured more energy into her run. The council and decided she didn't need anymore training with them, and instead to practice with others or in her bedroom.

She nearly stopped when the door in her path opened and her father stepped out.

Her blood ran cold, suddenly stopping her as she met her fathers' eyes.

"Why I should-," he began, but Sophie found her legs again and ran.

She tired her hair in a messy and short ponytail and dashed to practice.

"Normally, you could take on my entire fleet of men," Wylie said to Sophie, passing her a glass of water. "However, you did just get back from... there, so I'll let it slide."

She glanced nervously to the door that lead into the training court yard. She anticipated her father would break down the door within seconds.

"Hey," he nudged her arm. "something bothering you?"

"Oh boy, where to start," she laughed. "I parents are here and... I may have upset my father..."

"Ah, one of the scariest things out there," he laughed.

"You have a strict dad, eh?"

He fell silent.

"No. No, he was kind, but his mind shattered years ago,"

"Oh..." she suddenly felt bad complaining about her father. At least she had one. "I'm sorry to hear that,"

"It's alright," he managed to smile and make it look, and feel, real. "I have come to accept it. I was adopted by a man named Tiergan. He's kind and treats me well."

"And your mother?" She asked cautiously.

He set down his water. "Well you see, leaping crystals were, and still are, a generally new invention to our kind. And let's just say mother had an accident with one and she faded away,"

Now Sophie really felt bad. She could relate to him though. Her parents were dead, and she was unsure of how much her father liked her at the moment.


"Sophie Elizabeth Ruewen!" A voice called from behind her.

Her body tensed, as if to say, "if we don't turn around, maybe he'll forget about us!"

Apparently, her body thought that was a good idea and the one to spin her was no one but the man of the hour himself.

Her father.

"Father I-."

"What are you wearing?! Why are you even close to swords? This isn't what you're supposed to be doing here!"

"Dad listen-,"

"You're only allowed in this god forsaken castle to get married! I've been told time and time that the wedding keeps moving back. And I will not stand for this! Especially when you aren't even with the prince! You should be at his side and attending his every need!"

"Is that all a woman is in your eyes?!" Sophie yelled back to her father for one of the first times in her life. It felt so good, she wanted to scream at him for hours. "Am I nothing more than a servant to the man I marry? Am I forbidden from having my own goals and dreams?!"

His face was red with anger. His eyes bored into hers, but she stood her ground and stared back.

"Then that's a yes?" Sophie's eyes watered and her voice quivered a bit.

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