Q & A

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So apparently y'all hate commenting when I ask, but love to when it's like the worst chapters.


Let's go!

These are divided into sections, the first one is have you Evers! (Feel free to also answer these in the comments)

1. Have you ever kissed someone?

Mmmm.. debatable. Cause like, I've kissed toe of my girl friends but it wasn't like, oh my gosh that was a kiss kinda kiss.

2. Have you ever been drunk?

No but I sure as heck act like it.

3. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

Oh my gosh how'd you know? All the time!

4. Have you ever felt lonely?

Uhhhhhhhh yes.

5. Have you ever been depressed.

Pardon my potty mouth but what the hell kinda questions are these? Like look; I found these online.

6. Have you ever smoked?

I A M A C H I L D O F G O D !

7. When's your birthday?

November 21 BBY

8. What's your age?

I turn 14 in two months.

9. Status?


10. Biggest fear?

Being buried alive :)

11. What's your dream job?

While I really like writing, but i like forensic science and I WILL solve your murders.

12. Dream car?

I don't want one, I will ride Heelys everywhere I go.

13. Dream house?

I wanna live in spooky mansion and have the neighborhood kids think I'm a ghost that will kill them.

14. Do you like someone? 👀

YAAS how'd you know?!

15. Do you LOVE someone?

A. Weastly from the Princess Bride
B. Inigo Montoya also from the princess bride.
D. JD from heathers
E. Elon musk
F. Urbosa from Breath of the Wild
G. Danny DeVito
H. Edward scissor hands
I. Fitz
J. Wylie
K. Alden
L. Dex

16. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

No but yes.

17. Do you have a tattoo.

Y'all wanna see the only tattoos I've ever had?

I'm the ones in the red turtle neck and YES THOSE ARE PEPPA PIG TATTOOS ShUt Up!

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I'm the ones in the red turtle neck and YES THOSE ARE PEPPA PIG TATTOOS ShUt Up!

18. Do you have a piercing?

I have had my ears pierced since I was 7 months old because everyone thought I was a boy. Speaking of babies and piercings;

 Speaking of babies and piercings;

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19. Do you party?


20. Who's is your favorite artist?

Very controversial, makes very good music tho. MS GABBIE HANNA! Idc if y'all don't like her. Her song Call mr Crazy SLAPS!

21. Favorite movie?


22. Favorite song?

Mad at Disney is a bop. Call me crazy is first tho.

23. Favorite animal?


24. Favorite book?

I think we all know that once. KOTLC, but my favorite book from the series so far is flashback.

25. Favorite color?

Black. Idc if it's a shade or the absence of light. I will call it my favorite if I want!

26. This or that?


27. Would you ever get married.


28. Have kids?

Sis I have their names and everything, I want three boys.

29. Swim with sharks?

I can barely swim soooo no.

30. Share a banana.

Okay I H A T E bananas because I used to have really bad nightmares and my mom and step dad always gave me friggin bananas and Capri suns to make me feel better and I hated it.
So no.

31. Eat rotten food?

I almost did like a week ago, but if I really needed to.

32. Marry a foreigner?

Yeah, of course. We 👏🏼in👏🏼clude👏🏼people👏🏼here!👏🏼👏🏼🦶🏼👀👏🏼🦶🏼👏🏼

Last question!

33. Would you smoke pot?

Sis my body is a temple like- back off with your drugs imma go die.

And that about wraps it up! And since the last Q & A, I've changed quite a bit appearance wise.

So this is me at the time of writing this chapter!

So this is me at the time of writing this chapter!

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Have a lovely day my saplings! Bye!

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