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When Sophie woke up in a dark room, panic spread through her body.

She couldn't have been kidnapped again.

But maybe kidnapping was a better outcome than having Fitz find her.

She sighed and slid off the cot she was laying on, much more comfy and plush. In fact, the entire room looked different. It had gray walls, a black floor. A chandelier hung from the ceiling and little black swan crystals dangled from it.


Black swan?

Sophie stared at the light fixture and backed up, continuing until she bumped into a figure.

"Ah!" Sophie screamed and jumped back, cowering and racing behind the cot.

The figure standing there was gray, tall. They blended in with the walls, but their huge muscles set them apart from the flat textured surface. His nose looked like it had been kicked in by a unicorn and his eyes were beady.

It looked like it was built to kill.

"Do not worry," when it spoke, it's squeaky voice pierced Sophie's ears and she almost thought she was dreaming. "My name is Sandor. I am your personal bodyguard and I will be accompanying you from now on,"

"Personal.. body guard...? Why would I need a bodyguard?"

"Well, they need someone to keep you in line. Although I assume that isn't the best way to put it. Basically someone to stop you from running away from your home."

"Is this a joke? That... kingdom is not my home. They just wanted me there to make a peace."

"That's not what half the world saw at your wedding. Or the night out, or the knife situation when you voluntarily kissed him."

"I was blind," she stood up now. "I suppose he was pure of heart, maybe what he did was an accident, but I'm not ready to face that yet."

Sandor sighed, an even higher pitched noise. "I hate to break it to you Princess, but the world will not always wait for you,"

Almost on cue, the door opened and in walked a teal eyed family. The Vackers.

"Sophie!" Biana cried, racing towards her and hugging her with a death grip. Then she leaned back and started checking her. "Are you hurt?!"

"I'm fine..." Sophie placed a hand on her cheek to assure her. Biana hugged her again and buried her face in Sophie's neck.

Sophie couldn't help but look around, making eye contact with a certain pair of teal eyes.

His eyes looked sad, sorry, almost. Sophie turned away when she could feel hers do the same.

"I'm happy to see you," Sophie said at last.

Biana leaned back and smiled, wiping her tears away. "Did you think I'd let you leave without going on our date?"

Sophie had to laugh over the silly promise she'd made so long ago. "Of course not. When things go back to...normal?"

Biana nodded, laughing and hugging Sophie one more time.

Once Sophie had said hello and apologized to the King and Queen, everyone left the room, save for Sandor and of course, Fitz.

"Sophie, I'm so sorry. I don't know what over came me and I cannot stand my behavior. I haven't been that angry and aggressive in years. I got my anger under control but something just-."

"Fitz." Sophie turned to face him. "I'm hurt; physically and emotionally. I may even be as bold to say that running wasn't a bad idea. I needed time to think and I just...haven't had that."

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