Out on the Town

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"What do you mean I'm getting married?! I'm only 19!" Fitz yelled to his father and mother.

"We know. But we need to create peace." Alden said, patting his wife's hand when she squeezed his arm.

"But we aren't even at war! We've been peaceful!"

"Precautions, son." Della assured him. "Plus, Grady and Edaline are great friends of ours. You should be honored to have the chance to marry their daughter."

"I thought she was dead." Fitz started.

Their eyes widened. He knew that the death of Jolie had been sensitive, but in that moment he didn't care. He wanted to get answers.

"We expect you to be a gentleman," Alden said, which meant Fitz had no choice and that the decision was final.

"Ugh!" Fitz stormed out of their room and paced quickly down the halls.

This event raced through Fitz's mind as he walked towards Sophie's room.

It was just a few minutes before midnight, he planned on picking up Sophie from her room at exactly midnight, the second the clock struck it.

He waited patiently outside her door for about 4 seconds before he got too excited and opened the door slowly.

Sophie lay in her bed, staring out the window and ran her fingers through her short hair.

She wore a silk dress that went to her knees. It was white and spotless. Almost like everything in her wardrobes, it was off the shoulder. Her face and hair was bathed in moonlight casting in from her circular window.

"Hey," Fitz said without thinking.

He figured she must have been deep in thought because she jumped. "I didn't hear you, I'm sorry."

She slid off the bed and walked over to him.

"You look nice,"

"Don't even remind me about it." She laughed. "I didn't get to bring any clothes or choose any, at the very least. Let's just say this is not my style."

He laughed and his teal eyes gleamed with pure enjoyment. He wore a long sleeved white shirt and black pajama pants. He finished off his outfit with a black trench coat. She seemed very dressed up compared to him.

She smiled to herself. How lucky was she to have this prince?

The promise she made to herself resurfaced in her brain. She would loosen up, have fun for once, be fearless.

Grabbing his hand, she pulled him out the door.

It wasn't until they were running did Sophie notice they were both barefoot.

The pitter patter of their feet on the cold marble was exhilarating, and she only slightly feared they would wake someone up.

Her fears were confirmed when she suddenly ran into the chest of a man.

"Sophie?!" The man yelled.

"Uhhh.. hi daddy!"

Grady gave her a stern look. He glanced and met eyes with Fitz. His eyes grew wide.

"What are you-?!"

"Run!" Sophie yelled, motioning for Fitz to follow her as she darted down the hall.

"We're so dead!" Fitz yelled as Grady chased them.

"Not if we can hide!" She laughed. "You said that you were gonna take me somewhere? I hope you know how to get there!"

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