Our Little Secret

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Fitz shut his eyes as he kissed the princess.

Sophie on the other hand, had wide eyes. Her first kiss. She didn't know how to react.

When he finally parted, they both gasped for air.

"I-." Sophie started, but stopped herself by clamping her hand over her mouth.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Fitz suddenly came back to life. "I have no idea what I was thinking and-."

"Just shut up and kiss me."

They were both wide eyed. Even Sophie was shocked at her boldness.

But he did as she told, pulling her to him so she was in his lap, and kissed her again.

After they stopped, they stared into each others eyes.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for." Fitz whispered when she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in it.

"And you have no idea how long I've wanted you to do that. But..I'm sorry. That was so unlike me. I should have been able to control myself more."

"Don't blame yourself for wanting affection. That's a normal thing to want."

She turned red. "It feels so wrong though. I've told so many people now that I can't have feelings for your because we swore not to. And now we're..here."

"It can be our little secret." He pressed his forehead to hers.

Their little secret.

She should have felt bad for even considering that. Lie to her family, her friends.


"Our little secret." She agreed.

Going on with her day and pretending like nothing happened was hard.

Especially at dinner. She normally sat next to Fitz at dinner, but it felt strange now. Especially when he rested his hand on her leg while they ate.

She choked on her water when he did.

It was clear to say, Sophie was a hopeless romantic. Startled by everything even remotely affectionate.

Are you trying to have people see us? Sophie transmitted to Fitz as she blushed.

Maaaaaybe! He responded.

If there weren't people around, I'd clobber you.

Relax. If anyone says anything, we have the excuse that my parents think we should act more like a couple.

You sure have thought this through.

Sophie, like I said, I wanted to do that for forever. I have thought this through.

This is so...surreal to me. I never thought this would happen to m-.

"Sophie! Fitz!" Alden drew them out of their conversation. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes! Sorry, we were talking about uh...KEEFE! What a strange fellow he is." Sophie laughed nervously.

"Rude." Keefe said from the opposite side of the table I'm a fake offended tone, ending it with a smirk.

"Strange indeed. Anyways, were going to turn in early tonight. I trust you'll be able to return Sophie to her room safely?" Alden asked Fitz.

"Yes father." Fitz nodded.

"Actually father," Biana started. "If it's okay, I'll take Sophie to her room. I've barely had a conversation with her since she arrived. You wouldn't mind, would you Fitz?"

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