Don't Hold Back

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Sophie's POV:

What's happening? I think as Fitz dips me so low my hair almost touches the ground.

Just a moment ago, I was dancing cheerfully with the children and the next thing I'm being held in the prince's arms.

I sensed he was annoyed he couldn't talk to me, but I never imagined he'd physically grab my attention.

And then it happened.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

I'm going to wake up and have to tell Fitz I dreamed about us kissing. Again. I thought thought while I closed my eyes.

But a small part of me didn't want let this be a dream.

All I could feel was his soft lips in mine.


If I could feel his lips, this couldn't have been a dream.

This was real.

My brain went frantic. What was I supposed to do now?

Thankfully, I didn't have to think about that as Fitz reluctantly pulled his lips off mine.

He looked dazed for a moment, but his eyes looked to me to see my reaction.

I stared deeply into his amazingly teal eyes. His eyes could always put me in a trance, making it so I couldn't and didn't want to leave.

My face felt hot, hotter than ever before. A strange feeling ran through me, a pit in my stomach, as I realized that was indeed real.

Then I did something bold, something unlike me.

I grabbed Fitz by the collar, knowing he would be defenseless because be was holding me. If he let go of me, I would fall and holding his collar, I'd pull him down with me.

I leaned in, but almost like clockwork, someone coughed and brought me out of my daze.

I let go of his collar and Fitz groaned. "It was just getting gooood!" He whined as I stood up and brushed off my dress, attempting to hide my face in my sleeveless dress.

"Well," Tam broke the silence. "Not quite what I expected to find when the princess sent me to check on you."

"Biana sent you?" Fitz asked.

Tam turned his attention to me, ignoring Fitz's question.

"Princess Ruewen, always a pleasure to be in the presence of your beauty." He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I snuck a glance at Fitz, seeing a fire like passion in his eyes that was meant to scare off Tam. But he gave him a dull look and turned back to me.

"The princess wishes for you two to come inside now. With the ball approaching so fast, many other royals will be arriving, she doesn't want you out here to be trampled by carriage after carriage."

"What ball?" I asked, puzzled. "Is that what you were taking about at my training?"

"I was going to ask you here but then we... got off topic, per say. I was going to ask if you'd come with me.." Fitz replied.

"I'd love to go with you. But I have a feeling Keefe will make me dance with him at least 40 times before we can even say hello."

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