Epilogue and A/N

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Originally, I was going to have a video linked and that would be a little background on my books and stuff but I have recently fallen ill and talking isn't my favorite right now!

But I will keep this sort so you can get to the epilogue.

I started this book the day I was babysitting. With much anticipation I uploaded it and waited. I wrote second chapter that same night.

I had no idea what it would turn into. No idea how much love and support it would get, or how much love and support I would get.

I'm thankful, for every one of you. I'm thankful for having an outlet to express myself and thankful for your understanding when my upload schedule was in the gutter.

But I will save the sappy stuff.

Let's do this.

Cold marble raced Sophie fingers as she dragged them against the walls. Her heels echoed in the hall.

She heard a loud crash and giggles further down the corridor.

A smile fought at the corners of her mouth, eventually winning that battle and revisiting her mouth into a smile.

She rounded a corner and stepped into a door frame, watching a scene unfold before her.

"Keefe! Put her down!" An accented voice yelled in fear. "She's a baby!"

"She's 6 years old!" He ignored his remark. "And she takes after her uncle,"

The little girl in question had long brown hair, lighter than her fathers.

Sophie let a quiet chuckle escape her lips and all the heads in the room turned to her.

"Mommy!" The little girl wiggled in Keefe's arms before he let her onto the floor. She raced over to Sophie.

The mother looked into her child's eyes before picking her up and placing her on her hip. The girl's eyes bored into hers, one bright sea glass blue and the other a gold brown.

"You've created a mess in here," Sophie said more to her husband and friend than she had said to her daughter.

"It was Keefe's idea," the little girl leaned into her mother's ear, yet made sure that it would loud enough for the whole room to hear.

"Hey!" Keefe pouted. "Don't out me, little princess. It's not how you speak to your mentor."

The use of the words "little princess" had always irked Sophie. She knew it was because Fintan used to call her that, but what made it worse was knowing he had died at her hands.

The guilt of what happened after she taught that war weighed on her shoulders for months and even years after.

She found her comfort in her daughter and husband. She found comfort and support in her friends when she set out to look for Tam and the rest of the Neverseen.

She strangely felt comfort when Lihn had convinced him to come back to Everglen as a prisoner. But Lihn had dealt with it well, as if she already knew.

Or maybe she had.

And now, she found comfort in being normal. A perfect life where she, her husband and daughter could be happy.

Sophie walked over to Fitz, staring deep into his eyes that she'd never tire of.

A smile painted her face as she lifted her daughter closer so she could hear better.

"Adara," Sophie whispered. "What is your favorite thing about daddy?"

The little girl, Adara, pondered for a moment, looking him up and down.

She leaned in to whisper back, "His crown is pretty shiny and pretty,"

Sophie nodded, placing her down on the floor.

A hand traveled to her husbands cheek, and he knew what was about to happen.

He leaned in, inches before their lips could touch.

When they finally did, he felt a strange weight lifted off his head.

He pulled away and saw Sophie standing there, his crown in hand.

"Adara, run!" Sophie laughed, taking off down the hallway.

"H-Hey!" Fitz stood there flustered for a moment before mirroring Sophie grin and running after her.

They chased each other around the halls, laughing and screaming.

Adara ran alongside her mother, blinking in and out of view.

When Fitz finally ran out of breath, all three stopped.

Sophie kneeled down and placed the crown, all to big, on her daughters head.

She grinned. "Let this be a reminder, that I will give you the world. I love you, and I'm so thankful I get to have fun with you, and your father, everyday."

The girl hugged her mother, and eventually Fitz came over and joined the hug.

"Had to go and steal my crown," Fitz nudged Sophie as they got ready for bed. "She has tiara galore,"

"Yet she still likes yours better." Sophie nudged him back. "I guess I just wanted to have fun, to let her know I'd give her anything. And seeing your shocked, flustered face is a rarity that I enjoy,"

He rolled his eyes, but his mouth smiled.

"I still can't believe she's a Vanisher." He sank to the floor. "She's so young for manifesting,"

"Uh, I manifested when I was four. But I get what you're saying. I think the entire world expected her to be like me."

"Is that such a bad thing?" He chuckled quietly.

"I want her to be normal. I want to give her the life I never had. No wars, no running away, no dead parents or secret siblings. Just... normal."

"She's gonna be strong," he gripped her hand.

She squeezed it back and smiled. "Of course she will." Their eyes met. "I'm her mother."

The biggest question on my mind has been if I should do a sequel.

The thing is, I've wrapped ends up so they don't need another book, but I've let some loose too.

Please undertake that even if I did a sequel, it would be after I let out the third book of ABOB.

Thank you for reading, have a wonderful day!


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