A Noble Cause

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Later that evening, Sophie went to her room to get ready for dinner.

It was tradition for them to get dressed up for supper. Part of this tradition was that they would walk around the city after eating.

And of course, it meant big gowns and makeup.

They wished for Sophie to wear a white gown, as they wanted their civilians to recognize her as the crown prince's bride.

She wasn't complaining, however, as this is what she was expected to do as a princess.

A large dress with a fairly simple and plain skirt was given to her. The attention was directed towards the bodice.

The sleeves seemed almost like bad wings, attached to a piece of fabric that only covered the outer third of her shoulders. They melted into a deep v neck.

Thanks to the length of the dress, she could get away with wearing flats.

She paid little attention to her appearance, though.

Far too nervous for many things, she tapped her feet nervously, waiting for an escort to come collect her.

She was scared of going back to that dining room where she had made a small scene earlier. It made her feel slightly better that she had resolved the conflict with Fitz, but her nervousness still stood.

One thing bothered her more than anything. A new kind of nervousness bared it's teeth and reared it's ugly head.

Sophie grew up inside the castle. Never went out. Never.

Now she was expected to stroll around casually. And it was enough to make her nearly cry when a knock sounded against her door.

She answered it - begrudgingly - and took the arm of the servant that greeted her at the door.

Before she knew it, she was on the steps to the palace. Her fiancé stood beside her, helping her onto the horse she arrived on. He got on a steed as well, sitting in the front to steer.

He motioned for it to trot down the stairs, following a little farther behind than his parents and sister.

"You look lovely," He told her.

She thanked him. He sure was making this "no feelings" thing hard. And on the first day of the agreement no less.

"I never knew you had so many fan girls," Sophie giggled as they passed crowds of girls drooling over Fitz.

Fitz laughed in response. "Be careful, they bite."

"They do seem to be plotting against me."

"Yeah. I'm just..really glad we could get our earlier tension cleared up. I can tell just how wonderful you are, and I was afraid I would never get to know the famous princess of Havenfield."

She laughed nervously. "I feel I am anything but famous. Prince Sencen barely knew I was royalty. Although, to be fair, I am nothing more than the people surrounding us. A commoner."

He sighed and turned his attention away from her.

When the silence became unbearable, she spoke again. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Yes," Fitz replied. "You did. And I refuse to say anything more until you agree to start praising yourself more. You're not a commoner, not a 'dumb village girl'. You're much more than that. You being here shows that."


"Having fun your highnesses?" A certain blonde man said from behind them.

They turned to find Dex and Keefe riding next to each other.

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