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Heyyy so I don't have time proof read this and my phones at 2 and I'm going swimming so yayyyyy.

I wanted to get this chapter out now and I'm not going to be doing title names anymore because they're cringe and I can't think of them sometimes.


Sophie's eyes slowly fluttered open, immediately noting how uncomfortable she felt and how unfamiliar the ceiling looked.

She attempted to sit up, but couldn't because something had their arms around her.

OH MY GODS WHY IS FITZ SLEEPING NEXT TO ME?! She silently panicked to herself.

The events of last night came flooding back to her and she grew even more embarrassed by the way she had acted.

But despite that, she found the uncomfortable feeling coming from both her side and the fact that she slept in a corseted dress.

This side thing was really starting to annoy her. She just wasn't ready to face what it was.

It was hard slipping out of Fitz's arms; like he had a death grip on her.

Gee, can't wait till I have to deal with that every night. Sophie thought and rolled her eyes. But she smiled at the same time.

She patted her face to wake her up and knock her out of whatever weird mindset she was in.

Finally, she headed out the door.

Sophie wandered the busy halls, having no practice and nothing to do, she was on the lookout for entertainment.

But the palace was never busy, or if it was, it was somewhere Sophie never went. The palace was huge, she'd seen only about one tenth.

While she had no idea where to go, she needed to escape the chaos before she got run over and squashed.

To her dismay, however, everywhere she went there were maids, butlers, anyone available was decorating.

She had a sneaking suspicion for what it was, and it made her stomach knot itself together in a bow.

Why she was feeling this way now, she had no idea. She had been pressing for the wedding to happen, and now she was nervous.

"I heard she didn't come back to her room last night," someone whispered in a more empty, yet still busy, part of the castle.

"Yeah! I heard that too! She slept in the prince's room, at least that's the rumor," another person said, and Sophie realized they were maids. Maids in this palace loved to gossip.

"Scandalous," they replied in a song song voice.  "Just wait until they're married,"

Sophie cleared her throat, crossing her arms over her chest.

The two girls looked up at her, eyes wide when they saw her.

"Princess! We-,"

"I don't want to come off as rude," Sophie said in a calm voice, proud of how brave and sure she sounded, "but the Prince did nothing but take care of me. I was injured and he found me unconscious. Please dispel this rumor. Good day ladies,"

She walked away and didn't look back. She didn't stop until she reached a room.

"Knock knock," she said as she opened a door.

"Hey, Foster," Amy replied, sitting on her bed and looking at the walls. "What's up?"

"I'm extremely bored," she walked over and fell onto Amy's bed on her back. "Entertain me,"

Becoming RoyalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora