The Ways of War

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Sophie didn't know where to start.

The hologram couldn't have been any more vague. It was like she knew the answer was right under her nose, but she couldn't seem to find it.

She requested that the maids bring her chests full of jewelry (apparently Jolie had a lot) and Sophie had troubles going through it all.

Three bracelets had been found so far, but they didn't exactly help.

Identical bracelets to hers, except for the charm. She had found a dog, a rabbit and an owl.

She had at least 5 more trunks to go through.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from the doorway, which she didn't hear open.

She jumped and the entire trunk of jewelry spilled all over the floor.

"Ugh..." Sophie silently cursed. But then she realized who had asked the question.

The boy had strawberry blonde hair, amazing blue eyes and a dimpled smile.


Sophie raced over to him as fast as she could and he wrapped her in a bear hug.

She began crying tears of joy and sadness, telling him how much she had missed him and how sorry she was that she left him in Everglen.

"But you're back now!" She smiled.

"About that..." Dex led them over to her bed and she plopped down. He paced in circles. "I was made a leader of the troops. They need well trained men, especially with the king declaring war gone."

She laughed sadly. "I found joy in combat training. It's a shame that I can't participate anymore..."

"I can't stay here." Dex said bluntly.

"...what?" Sophie slowly rose from her bed. "You're leaving me...?"

Cold chills ran through her body.

"I didn't know how to tell you but..I can't leave Everglen. And I have to resign as your personal guard. Seems both our dreams have been crushed."

"Heh," Sophie chuckled sadly. Dex had always been there. Since her adoption to present day. 14 years of friendship.

"I told you a while ago but..." Sophie smiled. "I'm so proud of you. You always wanted to be a guard. If was an honor to have you serve by my side."

"The honor, was all mine."

Sophie got ready in the mirror, all by herself.

She had the option to wear comfy clothes, clothes she would prefer over tight and fancy ones.

But she found herself wondering if Fitz would think she would be pretty in gown after gown.

In memory of him, she wore a black dress with no sleeves. The waist was wrapped in diamonds and the skirt faded from black to a beautiful ocean blue.

What was the lack of real sleeves was made up by a strip of fabric that went over her shoulder.

Her father for some reason really hated that her hair was short and made her take elixirs to fix it. She figured it was meant to act as if nothing happened.

She was trying to mentally prepare herself for her meeting with the king, then realized it would probably not go well for either of them.

"Guess I'll never really be ready," she grumbled to herself.

But you need to try, her brain said back.

The brain voice was right. She stepped out into the hall for the first time in a week.

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