Memories From the Past

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This isn't important, but just so you know, that "8D" chapter was written  and published in about 20 seconds because my brain was broken, as I was VERY high on laughing gas from the dentist. I did so many weird things that day.

Anyways, on with the chapter!

"Look, Mama!" A little girl with blonde hair called towards a woman with brown hair. She was a little chubby, but most of her family was like that.

The little girl was the opposite. She was slim, her eyes were bright and full of life. She did a cartwheel and landed it perfectly.

"Not now, Sophie!" The woman called back. She seemed frustrated as she sewed a small article of clothing.

If her mother wouldn't pay attention, Sophie would have to do something wild to get her attention.

A feeling pulled in Sophie's gut. She let it explode within her as her feet slowly lifted off the ground.

"Mama! Look at me now!" She giggled.

"Sophie! I'm busy! What-?!" Her mother looked up at Sophie, letting out a shriek. "What are you doing?!"

The town square they were in fell silent, all eyes darted to the mother and daughter.

"What is she-?!" A woman yelled from the merchant stands.

"An elf!" A man informed her. "They rule kingdoms across the world. They keep us in small villages and take everything for themselves. And this woman...."

"Has been harboring and elf since she was born." Yet another voice said. "That's against the laws."

Sophie saw people rush towards her and her mother. They grabbed her mom and attempted to drag her away.

"Hey! Let go!" She called.

"Get her husband!" The woman from before beckoned.

Fear shot through Sophie. She lost her concentration and fell onto the stone paths, next to a tree.

"Get the elf!"

Within minutes, Sophie was surrounded. She was still small, only four years old, so she was easily overpowered.

She saw her mother and father, dragged towards the main area in the commons. She heard an ear piercing scream from a man and woman, her parents.

Tears overwhelmed Sophie. She didn't remember what happened next, but she tore through the streets, running towards her home.

She burst through the door, dashing into her bedroom.

"Amy!" She called to a little girl, around the age of two. "Amy! We need to go!"

Of course, Amy was only a small child. She could speak around 50 words, yet she had an amazing memory.

The door to the house was kicked open. Sophie could feel terror making her heart go 100 miles per hour.

She was only little herself, she didn't know if she could take Amy with her. But she wouldn't be hurt. She was a baby, people wouldn't be mad at her for harboring and elf when she could barely speak.

Elf. That's what Sophie was now. Not normal. Of course she always knew she wasn't normal. No four year old was as mature as she was.

She heard yelling outside her door. Her eyes watered, tears poured over and dripped down her cheeks.

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