The King

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Sophie's POV:

I'm nearly doubling over with pain as I walk to practice.

My side has been stabbing me for a while now, but I refuse to go to the Physician's Center again, not twice in a couple days, at least.

The castle is warmer than usual, which reminds me that I didn't even notice that winter passed a while ago. It's not like me to not notice this stuff.

I finally make it to practice, warming up by myself before Wylie calls for us to spar.

I'm paired up with a person I feel like I've seen many times, but never talked to. Most of the people here are scared to say something because I'm royalty, at least that's what Jensi tells me.

The soldier had blonde hair and blue eyes, but everyone has blue eyes in this world. Minus me and the humans.

A lot of people in the castle think I train only to help the kingdom, but that's not the only reason. Most of these people are commoners, and even though it's been 14 years, I feel like I belong better here.

The man charges at me with a iron sword. We upgraded to them in the time I was away, they figured a war was coming.

I wait until the last second to block and parry his attack. It knocks him back a step, but he runs back into it.

He grabbed my wrist and the handle of the sword, something I haven't seen anyone do yet, kicking me in the stomach.

"Agh!" I cry out in pain, falling onto the ground and rolling onto all fours, grasping my stomach.

"Sophie!" Dex drops his sword to run over and aid me.

I struggle to stand in time to tell him I'm fine.

He looks at me with a doubtful look.

"I guess I just haven't been training for a while, got out of my zone," I reassure him.

He doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't press me for answers. He calls for everyone to take 5 and get a drink of water.

The man who knocked me down glares at me. "Some soldier you are," he mutters to himself, thinking that I can't hear him.

I scowl, and then I'm on my feet with my sword at his back. "I challenge you, to a rematch,"

He turns around and tried to hit the sword out of my hand, but I hold the hilt tight. "You're really asking to be hurt, huh girl?"

"Aww, are you scared?" I coo, which makes his face go red with anger.

He steps back, pulling his sword from his sheath. "You don't know who you're messing with,"

"Nor do you,"

We take our positions. I go into a guarding stance, my sword still pointed at him, but closer to my hips.

He doesn't wait before charging, running at me with full speed, I try to sweep his leg, but he grabs my wrist and throws me down on the ground. I begin to sit up and stand, but he straddles me and has a sword pointed at my throat.

I have no choice but to put my hands up in surrender, that is if I want to keep my neck intact.

"Get. Off. Me." I spit.

"How dare you talk to a king like that," he growls back.

I doubt he's a king, probably saying that because he doesn't know I'm royalty. I scoot up just enough to get my leg free.

I then kick him where the sun don't shine.

But in the moment of his pain and surprise, his sword nicks my chin and blood trickles down it.

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