Taking a Beating

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"What did I talk to you about in your room?" A crisp accent asked Sophie for the thousandth time.

She made no note of him for a minute, continuing to walk to her first ability testing session.

"It's not important." She replied, trying to sound annoyed. Yet she flushed pink every time he mentioned it. She turned her face to hide it.

It had been two days since her dream and something in wanted to finished what they started. The other part wanted to strangle him so he would stop asking.

"I'd like to think it is important," Fitz persisted. "given you turn pink every time I ask. You can trust me."

"Fitz none of the other things in that dream happened in real life. It's worthless to spend time on it."

"You say that every time." He sighed.

"And you ask all the time." She shot back.

Suddenly, he got an idea.

"Would it happen to do anything with..this?"

She raised an eyebrow, turning around to be greeted by Fitz about to kiss her.

Without thinking, Sophie's hand flew up and covered her mouth. Right before Fitz could accomplish anything.

"I beg your pardon," Sophie cleared her throat with her hand still covering her mouth. "But I would appreciate it if you would stop. Nothing happened between us. Why I turn pink? Maybe it's embarrassing having the whole palace know that I'm some freak who is used for war!"

"You're not.." He started, but he realized he would be lying. "Well not a freak. We don't know if a war is really coming though. For all we know, the men you took out could be all there is."

"Someone left a note saying you would need me. Even if that's the end of them, who says other people won't attack? Everglen is a target for as long as I'm here."

"I had no idea you were like this. Don't get me wrong. I mean I didn't know how courageous and strong you were.. I'm amazed I haven't heard of you before our engagement."

Sophie laughed sadly. She wrapped her arms around herself. "I'm not."


"I'm not.." Sophie looked at her hands and turned around, waving her hands over her. "this. I'm not like this at all. You would agree if you had met me at my palace. You may see what you want, but everyone at home sees a scared little girl who the king swaddled and carried into his home."

"I don't understand." Fitz said, his face softening.

"Fate brought me here. I was meant to serve in a war. It would have happened wether I was forced into it as a commoner, had a deep desire to, and so on. And I know you told me to stop calling myself common, I'm working on it. I'm simply stating what happened."

"The one thing I hate about you is how stubborn you are." He walked over to her and brushed the hair out of her face. "You try to be everything for everyone, noble, but it's gonna end up getting you hurt. You saw what happened in training yesterday. You were bleeding."

"I would rather bleed now than have innocent people bleed, caught in cross fire of a war." She pulled away from him. "I'm not... I'm not the only one who will be effected here. You, your family, your townsfolk. My kingdom."

"I know.." Fitz sighed, stepping towards her. He pressed his forehead onto hers, their noses nearly touching.

She rested her forehead on his.

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