Season 2 Chapter 10 : Hero Killer : Stain vs U.A. Students

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Currently it was day 3 of Ben's hero internship at Nighteye's Agency and he was working hard down to the bone. For the past two days Ben would go up against Sir Nighteye himself for special training. Nighteye would give him pointers on how he could use his alien powers better and what alien he could use in certain situations. During their little sessions Nighteye had noticed that Ben would often try to muscle his way through a fight instead of thinking strategically. Ben would usually use Fourarms, Diamondhead, Feedback, and so on to try to win against Nighteye, but always failed to do so. Going up against Nighteye isn't the only thing he would do though. He would usually spend his time with Bubble Girl as well because she was in charge of looking after him during his internship. The two would usually research recent crimes and go out on patrol, and during these two days they've gotten pretty close.

Currently the two heroes were walking through the streets on their daily patrol while having a conversation.

Ben : Another peaceful and boring patrol...

Bubble Girl : That's a good thing. That means everyone is safe and sound and there are no villains making a ruckus.

Ben : Yeah I guess... I just kind of want to experience something exciting.

Bubble Girl : Is fighting Sir Nighteye not exciting enough for you?

Ben : I thought it was at first, but it's not exciting when I keep getting kicked around and losing. I want something with me not getting my butt kicked every time.

Bubble Girl : I'm just impressed that you're going up against him everyday even if you keep losing. I don't think I can do that.

Ben : Well, while we're fighting he does give me advice and tips on how I could use my transformations better. But, I feel like he could hold back at least a little bit.

Bubble Girl : *chuckles* Yeah, maybe. But I think he's not going easy on you because he's really trying to help you the best he can. This is a secret but I actually saw him thinking really hard on how you can control the Omnitrix better.

Ben : *surprised* Really?

Bubble Girl : Yeah, it seemed like he was having a tough time thinking. I mean you can't blame Sir, the device on your wrist is basically something out of this world.

Ben : I didn't know he was thinking so hard about it. Aww man, now I feel bad for doubting him...

Bubble Girl : Come on, don't feel bad, you couldn't have known. We patrolled enough for today. Let's change gears and head back to the agency. There are a lot more things we have to look through.

Ben now becoming more determined shakes off his guilt and decides to work harder for Sir Nighteye who was giving it his all to help him.

Ben : Right! I'm going to give it my all.

Bubble Girl smiles at Ben's response and the two start to head back to the agency.


[ Time Skip ]

It was now night time, and Bubble Girl and Ben were currently sitting at a table at the Nighteye Agency stacked with papers, newspapers, files, and two tablets. They were both given a task from Nighteye himself to research recent incidents that had happen regarding with villains or just natural accidents. Ben who was exhausted for sitting and reading for several hours puts his head on the desk and sighs with exhaustion.

Ben : There's no end to this...

Bubble Girl : What happened to "I'm gonna give it my all"?

Ben : That was a couple hours ago before I had an headache.

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