Season 5 Chapter 3 : New and Improved

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Time seemed like it had frozen for the Class B team as they were in their fighting stance not making a move while keeping their eyes on the Class A team. The two Class A girls, Uraraka and Ashido also remained in their position while Big Chill was doing the same.

Even though time had seemed like it was frozen, the Class B team knew that time was running out while they were worrying about the new alien form that was right in front of them. They were soon forced to make the first move out of haste as Kodai throws a handful of screws and bolts in the air while Yanagi follows up and uses her Quirk to send the small objects towards the three Class A students.

As the small objects were heading closer to the three, Kodai activates her Quirk and enlarges the size of the screw and bolts. The moth-like alien flaps its wings and flies up into the air while Uraraka follows by making herself float.

Meanwhile, Ashido uses her acid to slide across the ground dodging the incoming objects swiftly as the distance between her and the Class B team grew closer.

Another bolt was heading towards Ashido but this time the bolt was in its regular small size. Ashido dodges it by ducking down as the screw bolt flies right past her. Suddenly, Shoda yells out "Impact" and at the same time the screw bolt that had flown past Ashido, changes its direction heading towards her from behind but with greater speed than before.

Kodai then quickly uses her Quirk as well, as the small screw bolt enlarges and was about to land on Ashido. Ashido continued to slide towards the Class B team hoping to outrun the giant screw bolt, however she didn't have enough speed to out slide it.

Suddenly, as the giant screw bolt was right above Ashido, it soon stops its motion, leaving the two horned girl confused since she should have been crushed. She soon feels a cold breeze on her neck which causes her to look up and sees that the giant screw bolt was encased in ice attached to the ground.

For a brief moment she had thought about Todoroki but realized that he was not on her team. She soon sees the culprit fly over the frozen screw bolt and gives him a thumbs up and a thanks.

Ashido : Thanks Ben! I owe you one.

Big Chill looks down towards Ashido and gives her a thumbs up as a response but was soon hit by a barrel that had incredible force, knocking him down onto the ground.

Shoda : An alien that can use ice? So it's just like Todoroki. Either way he's the biggest threat. Kodai! Yanagi!

While calling out to his teammates, Big Chill raises himself off the ground on his arms and knees but soon sees he was enveloped by multiple shadows. The alien looks up and sees multiple large objects raining down on him. Big Chill was unable to move from his position as he was soon crushed by the objects that had fallen on top of him.

Uraraka : Ben!

Wanting to help her teammate, Uraraka was unable to do so as she was too busy focusing on dodging the Class B student's combination attack. While Kodai and Yanagi worked together on attacking Uraraka and Ashido, Shoda gets to higher ground by riding on a large screw bolt while Yanagi was using her Poltergeist to send him up.

Shoda then reached the higher ground and was able to get a good view of his teammates and the enemy team battling out. While observing and analyzing the fight, Shoda tried to come up with a strategy to swiftly defeat the remaining Class A students.

??? : I may be a super powered alien, but dropping those large objects and crushing me was still cold.

Shoda slightly jumps from the ghastly voice that was behind him and quickly turns to see Big Chill standing right behind him.

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