Chapter 1

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This first chapter is dedicated to all of you, my lovely readers! Enjoy!

As of July 31, 2022, I've removed all media from the story including playlists,  character pictures and aesthetic boards. Visual representations will be posted on my Instagram. Feel free to check them out there @xclusivelya.


Subjects: Pure Math, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Physics, English & Literature
Birthday: April 22
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Age: 17 Blood Type: AB
Favorite Color: Purple

Subjects: Performing Arts, Art & Design, Spanish, Math, English & Literature
Birthday: August 14
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Age: 18 Blood Type: A
Favorite Color: Orange

Subjects: Entrepreneurship, Economics, Law, Math, English & Literature
Birthday: January 20
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Age: 18 Blood Type: O
Favorite Color: Blue

Subjects: Accounting, Economics, Spanish, Math, English & Literature
Birthday: April 9
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Age: 18 Blood Type: B
Favorite Color: Doesn't have one

Elizabeth's POV

"Come on, Liz."




"I won't bother you about any more parties after this."

I stuffed the last book into my locker and turned to face my best friend Callie. We'd been friends since freshman year and pretty much inseparable since then.

Her expression was hopeful. It was week two of her trying to convince me to go to some party that would be held tomorrow.

Partying just wasn't my thing. I didn't see the fun in being crowded in a loud, hot house, with people I didn't even know.

"What is it about this party that makes you feel the need to bother me so early in the morning?"

She was practically bouncing beside me in excitement. "It's an Ashton Rivera party!"

I shrugged and collected my books before closing my locker and walking off. "I didn't know he was having a party."

"Everyone's been talking about it," she rolled her eyes. "Do you live under a rock?"

"No, but my mind censors anything with the words 'Ashton' and 'Rivera'."

"Oh come on, Liz. Don't tell me you're not planning on going."

"Okay, I won't tell you."

Callie grumbled something under her breath before trotting to catch up with me.

"You always do this, Elizabeth," she argued hotly when I continued to walk away. "You never have any fun."

"Yes, I do," I defended. "In fact, I have a list of fun stuff planned for that night."

She folded her arms, unimpressed. "You're just going to spend the entire Friday night reading and studying. I don't think that counts as fun."

"You know I could be a drug dealer, but I choose to read books instead. Besides, if I'm going to get into the Royal University to study medicine, I have to keep my grades up."

"Missing one night of studying won't hurt," she insisted as we walked into our first period class and sat in our usual seats.

"Besides, it's not just an ordinary party. It's his birthday party," she persisted, still keen on convincing me. "Everyone will be there."

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