Chapter 139

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Chapter 139 is dedicated to AvyannaMcKnight

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I shook my head. This had to be a nightmare. I just wanted to wake up. I tried to open the door, but of course it was locked. It was much too sturdy to be broken down, at least by me. There were no windows. I searched for a light switch, but couldn’t find one. There was only the lamp. I knew it was morning, but I didn’t even know what time it was.

My purse had either been left behind at the Cilan Kingdom last night, or they had confiscated it. I grimaced. Telepathy would have been pretty useful right now, but maybe it wouldn’t have been able to work. Bianca couldn’t use it yesterday because of one of the men.

I was given lunch along with a fresh set of clothes. It felt like I was stuck in a prison.
I stepped into the shower and bathed absent-mindedly. My thoughts were filled with Ashton and what Malekh had told me. I couldn’t bear the thought of him doing something like that.

There was no way everything that happened up until now was the work of the king. What we had was real. What I felt for him was real. I didn’t want to doubt him, but I couldn’t shake the unease and sadness that I felt.

I couldn’t sleep and there was nothing in the room to occupy me. I thought about Micah and Esmeralda, Bianca, Diana, all the guys… Kevin. I wouldn’t allow them to be destroyed like this.

I felt the need to protect them. I was just one human, but there had to be something even I could do.

I was still thinking about this when the door opened a few hours later. Demetri and Malekh stepped in.

“I trust you’ve thought about our conversation,” Malekh said, joining me on the sofa.

Demetri leaned against the door with an air of danger.

“How about a compromise?” I suggested slowly.

He cocked his head. His eternal eyes stared intensely. “Oh? What are you suggesting?”

“What if I arranged a meeting where you could sort out your differences with the kingdom of Crysauralia? It’s possible that they’ll make an effort to understand where you’re coming from. Try to find the most peaceful way to settle this.”

Malekh’s eyes seemed to get colder the more his dark stare penetrated me. But still, I stared back at him. I doubt he would agree to that, but it was worth a shot.

He broke his gaze and sighed. “All that time to think and this is what you come up with?”

“I’m thinking of people’s lives here,” I shot back.

“Well with that little plan, I wouldn’t only endanger myself, but Demetri would definitely be killed.”

“I don’t mind that,” Demetri contemplated. “But I’d rather not die before I do what I have to.”

“Still… you said you’re friends with Ashton,” I addressed Malekh. “Explain yourself to him. You’re both Origens after all.”

He brought his hand up to cup my cheek. “Darling, I am something that is neither Origen nor human,” he informed me with a hard look.

I pushed his hand away. What did he mean by that?

He sighed again. “I will guarantee your safety on a simple condition.”

“I’m not just concerned about my own safety, you know.”

“That is excellent,” he breathed. “I’m happy Ashton found a soulmate like you. You would have been a great queen, if only things were different.”

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