Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 is dedicated to Sataff_Artisiq

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"I was trying to call you for ages!" Callie whined behind me as I cautiously peered around the corner before going to my locker.

"I know," I said, opening it and getting my books. "I sent you a text, didn't you see it?"

"Um, a text saying you would explain everything to me tomorrow at school? Don't you know that just makes me more curious?"

I couldn't help but laugh, but Callie wore a pout. "Now spill. Where did you disappear to after school yesterday? Didn't you say you were going to find Ashton and then go to detention?"

I winced at the word detention.

"Yep. She did," Melissa said, appearing on my right.

With her there, and Callie on my left, I had nowhere to escape.

"We were so worried about you! We even went to Kevin to find out where you or Ashton were."

"At least you're speaking to him again," I said with a weak laugh.

Inside I was panicking. How was I supposed to explain my disappearance to them without revealing anything about Ashton's secret?

"What did Kevin say?" I asked.

"That boy didn't know anything. He was just as surprised to hear that you and Ashton were MIA."

"I just went to detention," I shrugged.

Hopefully the action seemed natural enough. They didn't look convinced.

"And then...?" Callie prodded.

I tried to swallow my nervousness. There was no way I could lie to them. I couldn't lie to save my life.

I racked my brain to find a suitable answer. I couldn't simply explain that Ashton took me to his home to meet his parents and show me a life changing secret. Even I had trouble believing that. Finally, I found a solution.

"He took me home in his car," I said as calmly as I could. It was true, at least.

"Ashton took you home?!" they shouted together in surprise.

"Shh!" I whispered to them. "The whole hallway doesn't have to know too."

"Nothing happened in between that?" Melissa asked suspiciously. "Ashton has been hanging around you a lot lately."

Callie's piercing eyes seemed to see right through my carefully edited story.

"Um..." I struggled. "I met a few of his friends too."

They both stared at me incredulously.

"Okay. So let's get this straight. You went to detention, then he took you home, but you had a meet and greet with his friends before that?" Melissa summed up with a confused expression.

"If you say it like that, then it sounds weird," I complained.

"This whole situation is weird," Callie sighed. Then her eyes perked up. "Do you think he's into you?"

"Callie he has a girlfriend, remember?" I reminded.

"Oh, yeah. Her. Speaking of Nicole, if she and her friends try something like that again, I'd be more than happy to show them just how high I can kick."

She kicked the air for emphasis, nearly flooring the guy who was walking in front of us.

"You'll get in trouble if you do that," I reminded her, trying to hold back my laugh as the guy hurried away from her.

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