Chapter 115

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Chapter 115 is dedicated to WindySun0

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Melissa's POV

It was nice spending the night with the girls. They were such a big part of my life now, it was hard to imagine a time when I didn't even know them.

Kevin, Elizabeth, Callie, Trey.

Those four meant the world to me. I loved them to death. Honestly, this year was such a good one. I was glad to get accepted into the university I'd always wanted to go to since I was a child. It felt like a dream come true.

I was happy Liz finally realized how much she liked Ashton. I could see it all along and I knew this moment would come eventually. They looked good together and they complemented each other perfectly. Liz was such a sweetheart and if Ashton did anything to break her heart, I would be back on a plane so fast.

Cals was finally getting her big break in a movie with Mila and I was so proud of her! I would miss her never ending energy and her cooing over all things romantic. I was relieved that she had Daniel again, because as much as I still wasn't won over by him, he was undeniably better than that lying scumbag, Demetri.

Kevin was my best friend. He understood me the most out of everyone and I would miss our late night talks at our favorite spot; just chatting and laughing without a care in the world. I could let my guard down around him and talk about anything from my biggest fears to my greatest insecurities.

And Trey... just thinking about him made me smile like the world's biggest idiot. We were almost at our three year anniversary and things had never been better between us. I would miss him so much. I wish I could just put him in my suitcase and take him with me.

I already missed my parents and the taste of my dad's cooking. I even found myself missing Venus. Almost. And who would be there to bail Patrick out of his troubles now?

I didn't like saying goodbye. It felt weird, like telling someone you'd never see them again. Goodbyes made me think about what I had and what I was losing.

But I knew that no matter what, my best friends would always stick by my side and at the end of the day, they'd be there waiting for me when I got back. So this wasn't a goodbye. Just an, 'I'll see you later'.

So for the few months I had left with them, I would make the time count. Then it would be time to say, 'See you later'.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

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