Chapter 54

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Chapter 54 is dedicated to Nemoreem

Thank you for your support ❤

I stared at the guys in front of me. My forehead wrinkled in concentration as I pressed my fingers to my temple.

“You know, no matter how hard you try to project your thought to us, it won’t work,” Kevin chuckled and I sighed in defeat and pouted at my chocolate cupcake.

I was in the meeting room with Ashton, Kevin and the other guys getting caught up to speed about Origens and everything else I didn't know about.

“I still don’t get how you guys are able to do it. It’s so cool!”

“You won’t be able to do it just because you and Ashton are soulmates,” Beau reminded me. “He has to mark you first.”

Ashton ran his thumb across my neck in thought and then withdrew his hand with a slight frown.

“It’s just one of the many benefits that come with a rank,” Beau continued. “I’m guessing you already know about those.”

“Kinda.” I shrugged. “Some things are still a bit vague.”

“We’ll explain everything then. Basically, we have special abilities which include enhanced speed and strength, enhanced healing, heightened senses and telepathy.”

“Enhanced healing too? As if the telepathy wasn’t enough. You guys sound OP at this point.”

“I wouldn’t say OP,” Jackson mused. “There are some of us who even have unique abilities.”

“Unique abilities aside from telepathy? What are those?”

“Well, they are abilities that aren’t common. They’re very rare and only those who are from an Alpha or Beta bloodline can develop them.”

I thought about that for a moment. “Do any of you have a unique ability?”

“As I said, it’s rare. Only one of us has one.”

Everyone turned to Kristof.

“That’s incredible,” I cooed. “What’s your ability?”

In a second, the cupcake in my hand flew across the room and landed in Kristof’s. He grinned at the surprise printed on my face.

“No way! Telekinesis?”

“Yeah,” he shrugged. “It’s nothing too flashy.”

“It’s amazing!”

“It does have limitations,” he said, twirling the cupcake in the air before sending it back to me. “I can only move things whose weight I would normally be able to pick up. To move anything heavier than that is really hard and needs a lot of training. And I can’t move people or things I can’t see.”

I nodded, making a note of that. It was like a whole new world hearing about the things they could do. Never in a million years would I imagine that telepathy and telekinesis were possible. It felt like something straight out of a sci-fi book.

“We train a lot,” Jun grinned, punching the air. “That’s my favorite part. I get to fight strong people.”

Of course Jun would be excited about that. He seemed thrilled at the thought of facing off against strong opponents.

“But the royal guards are a thing. Why do you guys have to train?”

“The royal guards protect Crysauralia. We need to be able to have each other’s backs, especially Ashton’s. We weren’t just chosen to be decorative pieces by his side you know,” Kevin explained. “It’s a tradition to issue duels in some kingdoms. A challenge can come unexpectedly so we have to be prepared at all times. We do training to improve our senses and our speed. Kris still has to train to master his ability.”

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