Chapter 130

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Chapter 130 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

How Callie Met Demetri- Demetri's POV

*3 years ago*

Somewhere in the distance, a siren wailed and the occasional barking of faraway dogs drifted to me. Everything was loud, which was new to me. It was as if all the sounds of the city attacked my ears at once and the glowing neon lights that shone from the buildings dazzled my eyes.

It was late now. It was that time of day when most people were already at home or on their way home. The evening sun cast elongated shadows on the pavement as I walked along, trying to blend in and at least look like I was used to being so close to the human population.

I probably wasn't doing such a good job looking like I belonged. The rain had started a few minutes ago. At first it wasn't more than a few trickles, but it was gradually getting heavier as it fell in frigid slanted sheets. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of the cold water splashing my face.

I didn't have an umbrella. Of course, I didn't take one with me when I left. I didn't want to spend a second longer in that place than I had to. Even now, closing my eyes almost made me feel like I was back there. Underground in the dark silence.

I sighed and continued walking down the street. My stomach grumbled a reminder that I had to eat something and soon. Maybe one of the restaurants on this street would be good. Anything would be better than whatever I'd eaten before.

A wave of fiery red shot past me and I turned around to see a girl, running down the sidewalk, crying. She stopped and stood at the edge of the road as if waiting to cross, but her eyes were distant and unfocused.

Whatever. She wasn't my problem. Someone else would help her. For all I know she could just be crying over a boy or something. I peeled my eyes away from her and continued walking. I didn't have time for other people's problems when I had my own demons chasing after me.

At least, that's what I wanted to say. I heard a loud honk and saw a car barrelling towards her as she stepped out into the road.

Was this girl trying to get herself killed? Maybe she wanted to die. In that case, I shouldn't stop her. She'd probably just get mad at me and try to kill herself some other way. I knew how it felt to want to di- screw it.

My body moved before I even decided to help her and I grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the pavement. The driver didn't even spare a glance. Honestly, some people were just straight trash. I glanced around, hoping that no-one had witnessed how unnaturally fast I'd moved to save her.

Good, no-one had seen it. Everyone was inside sheltering from the rain. The common people were so useless, it was a wonder how they managed to survive without any enhanced abilities in their arsenal.

I turned my attention back to the girl. She was shivering, still stuck in a daze and still crying. They were all so fragile.

"Daniel," she whispered.

"What did you say, Miss Hit and Run?"

"Daniel!" she repeated, more frantic this time.

She tried to run off but I held my grip on her arm.

"I need to find him!" she yelled, trying to pull away. "He broke up with me... and I...."

Her sobs choked out whatever she was about to say. I rolled my eyes. Well, what do you know, it was boy trouble after all.

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