Chapter 93

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Chapter 93 is dedicated to _sahr_

Thank you for your support ❤

“Your happiness is pretty contagious,” Beau grinned.

I grinned back at him from my spot on the sofa where I was waiting patiently for Ashton to arrive. He’d been a lot busier these past few days and I’d barely gotten a chance to see him this week.

Beau was working on a research project and keeping me company until Ashton got here.

Today was finally the day I’d been waiting for. I couldn’t contain my excitement as I thought about getting to meet my biological mother. I still couldn’t remember anything about her, and nervousness was beginning to seep into my belly, but I didn’t regret my choice.

I glanced at my phone for the millionth time. It was still just a bit after twelve in the afternoon.

Be patient, Elizabeth, I chided myself. Ashton still had a few more minutes to get here.

I resisted the urge to check the time again and idly wondered what our reunion would be like. Was she excited to find out that I wanted to see her? Or had she completely moved on with her life? Did she miss me? Did she feel as nervous as I did right now?

It had been more than a decade ago since we’d last seen each other. Maybe seeing her again in person would stir the recesses of my memory. I still didn’t know how I would explain this to my adoptive parents.

I was only allowed to meet my mom after agreeing to date Ashton and get royal training as his betrothed. That meant that I had to keep everything a secret, including this. I’d stuck to my end of the deal.

After all of this, I would be able to end the betrothal with Ashton… maybe.

A light blush rose to my cheeks when I thought about him. Lately, I couldn’t seem to get him out of my mind. I felt like I liked him even though I wasn’t sure if I should.

The doors swung open and a happy smile subconsciously found its way to my face as Ashton stepped into the room. He looked good. He always looked good. His eyes quickly found me and I tried to wipe the smile off my face but it was too late.

He smirked as he came over to me. “Missed me that much?”

“Shut it, Ashton,” I said, pretending to scowl.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, as I stood up and tucked a few stubborn strands of hair behind my ear.

“I don’t know,” I confessed. “I’m excited about this… but I’m so nervous too. It’s been so long for both of us. It’s such a miracle for me to know that she’s alive.”

He smiled beside me. “I’m glad. I know you’ve been waiting on this day for a while.”

“Was I that obvious?” I asked as he took my hand in his and led me out of the room. I waved goodbye to Beau with my free hand.

I looked down at our intertwined fingers and happiness overflowed in me. Tingles shot up my arm and judging by the look in his eyes, he could feel it too. I moved in a bit closer to him.

“I could tell,” he answered my question from earlier. “Sometimes I can tell what you’re thinking and at other times I have no clue,” he frowned.

“I’m glad,” I mused. “If you had the ability to read my mind, I don’t know what I’d do.”

We made our way up to the second floor.

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