Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 is dedicated to hannahmoonlark007

Thank you for your support ❤

“What is it with your refusal to use G.P.S?” I sighed. “We’ve been driving for two hours.”

“I don’t need G.P.S,” Ashton protested stubbornly.

“Okay, not trying to alarm you or anything, but I think we just passed this spot for the third time.”

“That’s what you said about the last two spots.”

I stared out the window at the narrow, lonely road dotted with tall trees.

“Trust me,” he said, glancing over at me. “We’re almost there.”

I decided to trust him and hoped he was right about us not being lost. There was nothing but trees everywhere and everything looked the same to me. There was barely any road either. We’d taken so many turns and with each one, the road seemed to get smaller and smaller.

It continued like that for another five minutes and then Ashton cut the engines. I looked around at the dense vegetation surrounding us.

He gave me an expectant smile. I guess we were here. The trees danced as a soft breeze wafted through them. Their thick leaves brushed and crashed against each other. The sounds of birds chirping greeted my ears as I rolled the windows down. It was serenely beautiful.

“It’s beautiful,” I smiled.

“It gets better,” he said, leaning over to unbuckle my seatbelt. “We’re not exactly there yet. We have to go the rest of the way on foot.”

I cocked my head in curiosity as he got out of the car and came around to where I was.

“Come on,” he invited, tugging me out of the car.

An earthy smell mingled with the scent of pine greeted my nose. I lifted my face and allowed the bits of light that filtered down through the forest canopy to warm my skin. I trailed beside him, slowly as we picked our way over the thick, tangled tree roots on the ground. So that’s why he’d told me to wear comfortable shoes.

The forest was alive and brimming with curious creatures who stuck their heads out to watch us as we trekked up the path. A group of chattering squirrels scampered away as we came close and a flock of colorful birds flew past overhead as we made our way through the foliage.

“I didn’t peg you for a nature lover,” I stated as he helped me over a thick log.

A bead of perspiration trickled down my forehead. It was so humid in here.

“I don’t mind a few trees. Hiking’s somewhat of a hobby of mine.”

“Ooh, I just learned something new about you,” I grinned. “I should add that to my list.”

“You have a list on me?” he laughed. The melodic sound rang throughout the wooded area.

“Well, it’s more of a mental list. I keep track of the things you like,” I blurted in a rush.

He smiled to himself.

We continued along the winding path, and I delighted myself in the sound of my feet sliding through the underbrush. I giggled when the hanging moss tickled at my nose. I had to admit, it was nice just exploring nature like this. With Ashton.

“Is that… water?” I asked as we went deeper into the forest. A slight humming sound reverberated through the air and travelled through the damp earth to my feet.

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