Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 is dedicated to astrophiiles and serratedsoul343

Thank you for your support ❤


Age: 19


For a place this huge, it was really cramped. Hoards of people hurried around in a blur, boarding flights, meeting up with their loved ones and chasing after excited kids.

A business man tapped his foot impatiently against the smooth, epoxy flooring as he barked orders into his phone, while a throng of screaming teenagers vied for the attention of a TikTok star who was trying his hardest to speed walk through the crowd.

With all the rare attractions that Crysauralia had to offer, it was a booming tourist hotspot.

The Christmas season had ended just a few days ago, so a lot of persons were going back home now. It was one of the busiest times of the year, which explained the near deafening noise that engulfed the chilly airport.

The periodic, monotonous drone of the female voice on the PA announcing the arrivals and departures mingled with the smell of cheap coffee, junk food and jet fuel.

I shifted in the cold metal chair, trying to tune out the noise. I nodded distractedly at the loquacious greying lady who’d sat beside me and was half-way through telling me her life story. I didn’t ask and honestly, I wasn’t very interested, but as long as she knew I could hear her, she kept going. I’d zoned out somewhere between her twenties and thirties.

That’s why I always brought my earphones with me. They were my escape from social interactions. But it would probably be rude to put them in now.


I grinned at the friendly brown beagle that padded up to me and giggled as she licked my ankle. From her collar, I could see her name was Peanut.

She was so cute! I had to pet her, I just had to. I cooed at the friendly dog who stood on her hind legs and placed her paws on my lap.

I always ended up talking to animals in a baby voice. I couldn’t help it; she was just too adorable for words! I’d always wanted a dog or cat, but both my parents were allergic so that option went out the window.

I glanced back at the arrival gate as a fresh crowd of people trickled out. There was still no sign of Noah. I had gotten here earlier than necessary and the time seemed to tick by tauntingly slow.

I shivered. After sitting in the A.C for so long, the air only seemed to get colder by the minute. It was still winter, but this was one of the warmest winters we’d gotten.

I’d wished for snow, but we didn’t get any, which sucked because I liked snow. There was nothing better than getting cozy under the sheets with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book while the snow fell in soft, cottony heaps outside.

All we got were a few scattered showers, which for me, didn’t even come close to snow.

I zipped and unzipped my jacket and then settled for nibbling on my nails. I always got so nervous before meeting people again after so long. That’s how it’d been last Christmas when some of my relatives came around.

My parents hardly joined in the family dinners so every few years when we saw each other, we hardly knew what to say.

Uncle Rob would keep bringing up that one embarrassing time I’d thought the Christmas cake was just for me (don’t ask) while Aunt Julia, who walked like she was two short people under a trench-coat pretending to be one, would pry about every detail of my life and my cousin Lisa would chase me with her ant farm.

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