Chapter 133

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Chapter 133 is dedicated to viazi-the-potato-god

Thank you for your support ❤

I got into Ashton's car as Jackson and Kevin sorted out some arrangements. To avoid Diana, Jun insisted on driving with Kevin, much to Kristof's chagrin, and he pulled him into his car anyhow.

"Do you think Jun will ever get used to having Diana around?" I asked as I buckled in.

"Eventually. I mean he is going to be seeing her a lot," he chuckled.

"Jun really likes Kristof," I commented as I turned on the AC and wrapped my latest sweater around me. Mmm toasty.

"How many of those are you going to take?" Ashton laughed as he looked over at me. "Are you starting a store or something?"

"Nope," I grinned, popping the p. "They're all for me."

He sighed. "Why do you like them so much?"

"They're comfy... and they smell like you."

"But they're too big for you anyways."

"Size doesn't matter."

"You won't be saying that after I mate with you." He smirked.

My jaw dropped as heat rose to my face. "Ashton you're so..." I struggled to find the word.

"Hot?" he finished.

"You wish," I giggled as I pressed my palms to my warm cheeks.

He grinned mischievously but then looked thoughtful. "Elizabeth, no pressure, but are you ever going to accept me as your soulmate?"

I frowned at the sudden shift in topics, but I suppose it had to come up eventually. It was unfair to keep him guessing like this.

I glanced at him, but his eyes were focused on the road. They held uncertainty.

"I want to..." I paused and he looked over at me.

"You want to?"

"Yeah." I smiled.

I'd been agonizing about it for so long, but actually saying it felt a lot better. It felt real and it felt right. "I will accept you as my soulmate... that doesn't mean we have to get married though, right?"

Ashton grinned. "What do you have against me marrying you? And no, it doesn't. There's no rush."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will marry you though," he stated with a small smile.

My face heated up again and I buried my face in the luxurious material of the sweater. They probably cost a fortune. I should be careful with them.

"I want to mark you," he continued hesitantly.

I peeked over at him and then turned to face him in the seat.

"It will make you a lot safer and it has a lot of advantages."

I mulled this over in my head. I never imagined that the day would come when I would agree to accept Ashton or even allow him to mark me, but over the months, we had developed a special connection. He made me laugh and he wiped away my tears in the rare moments that I cried.

Being around him felt so natural, going on dates, lounging in his room, sitting in the meetings. Whenever I got home I found myself wanting to return to his arms. I liked and wanted Ashton so much and I could confidently say that it wasn't just because of the soulmate bond.

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