Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 is dedicated to Hive-Queen

Thank you for your support ❤

After school, I met up with Melissa and Callie. Fortunately, Melissa had a class with Kevin before I could see her and he had somehow managed to come up with a suitable excuse. She passed that excuse on to Callie while I scanned the crowd for Micah. However, I found Kevin instead.

“Hey,” he smiled at us widely.

Callie beamed back at him and winked at me. I guess she was still hoping that Kevin and I would start dating and that the Klizzy ship would put itself back together and set sail.

She gave Kevin a hug and a large smile. No matter how hard she and Melissa tried to be mad at him, they still missed him. After all, he was our best friend. Melissa gave him a smile followed by hard pat on the shoulder.

After chatting with them for a while, Kevin placed his hands on my shoulders.

“Do you mind if I borrow Liz for a bit? I’ll take her home,” he said with the most innocent expression.

Callie blushed and Melissa stared at him curiously.

“Shouldn’t you be asking me that question?” I asked pointedly.

“Only if she agrees,” Melissa stated doubtfully after Callie started nodding like crazy.

“Have fun you two,” she gushed, pulling Melissa along with her.

Melissa shot a warning glare back at Kevin as Callie towed her away.

I spun around to face him. “Seriously, shouldn’t you be asking me that question?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Before that, can you tell me why Ashton has been thinking up a million different ways to kill me?” he asked with a confused expression.

“He’s been acting weird since English and Literature class,” I shrugged. “I guess we’re both on his bad side.”

“And what’s Callie’s deal?” he asked, pointing behind him. “She seems really happy that you’re with me.”

I blushed at the thought and then laughed. “She thinks we’re secretly dating. Don’t worry, I’ll correct her later.”

Kevin nodded knowingly. “So that’s why Ashton is definitely going to kill me."

“I doubt he heard all of that though. Callie’s loud, but she was whispering.”

“Origen hearing,” Kevin whispered to me enunciating every syllable. “He definitely heard that.”

“Anyways, come with me,” he said, leading me by the shoulders to the parking lot.

“Where are we going?”

“To his house. If you come with me, Ashton might let me live to see tomorrow,” he chuckled.

“How generous,” I said drily. “I don’t want to go though. So are you kidnapping me right now?”

“If that’s what it takes,” a voice sounded behind us.

Not to be dramatic or anything, but Ashton emerged from the shadows with his arms folded over his chest as if he'd been practicing that line his whole life and finally got the chance to say it.

He stared at Kevin’s hands until Kevin dropped them from my shoulders.

“Let’s go,” he said walking to his car.

“Is he crazy?” I turned around and asked Kevin with an amused expression. “As if I’m going with him.”

Kevin bit back a laugh as Ashton threw some glares our way.

“Can you take me home?” I asked him, ignoring Ashton.

“I can,” he answered. “Is Ashton going to let me live long enough to do that? I’m not sure.”

“Hey, it’s two on one, we can take him,” I whispered to him.

Kevin chuckled as Ashton came up to us.

“We’re going to the palace,” he informed me.

I crossed my arms. “Why?”

He rubbed his jaw and scoffed. “Because my sister won’t shut up about meeting you.”

“Princess Brooke wants to meet me?”

Ashton didn’t seem like to type to care about what anyone else wanted but himself. I looked at Kevin and he nodded.

“But didn’t the king say it would cause a commotion if I go there?” I shifted nervously.

“The direct palace staff knows who I am now,” he explained. “They’ve been warned not to say anything. You’ll be fine.”

I sighed. If Ashton was the one asking then I wouldn't consider going. I didn't want the king and queen to think I was even remotely interested in marrying him.

But Princess Brooke was a sweetheart. The royal family rarely came out into the public and since the princes were 'gone', the young princess helped to satisfy the people's curiosity. Everyone loved her. There were hundreds of fan accounts dedicated to her.

"Fine," I decided.

I sent a text to my parents to let them know that I’d be home a bit late.

“I’m driving with Kevin though,” I stated.

A muscle clenched in Ashton’s jaw, and he was about to argue when I cut him off.

“You tore my paper and didn’t even apologize. I’m not driving with you until you reflect on your actions.” I huffed and walked towards Kevin’s car.

“Don’t worry, she’s safe with me,” Kevin smiled.

“She better be,” Ashton warned before walking to his own car.


Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

We're heading to the palace!

Did Elizabeth make the right call by deciding to go?

Do you think anything exciting will happen there? Let me hear your thoughts.

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See you in the next chapter!

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