Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 is dedicated to 50-shades-of-bitch

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AGE: 62

"In the eighteenth century, Crysauralia formed alliances with... umm..."

I wobbled a bit as I thought about the answer. The tutor pursed her lips as she waited for my response. I tried to think back to a few months ago when dad had been talking about treaties. Ugh. I should have paid more attention.

"Don't stop walking," she instructed when I paused to steady the stack of books on my head. "Keep your back straight, Elizabeth!"

"Harydia and Nappa?" I guessed as I tried to keep the books on my head from falling.

Her small yet piercing eyes informed me that I was wrong.

Currently, I was being tutored in Kingdom History while working on my posture and grace. Before this had been a class on etiquette and before that was public speaking.

Me agreeing to stay as Ashton's betrothed meant that until the contract was nullified, I had to learn to play the part. When the queen said they'd teach me everything I needed to know, she wasn't joking.

My head was whirling with all the new things I'd had to learn and when the books finally came crashing down, I wasn't surprised. Madame Lucille didn't look too pleased about that.

"I'm sorry," I sighed.

She massaged her temples, but I doubt that was going to do her any good. Her grey hair was pulled back into a fierce, tight bun that was pierced through by a hairpin as straight and rigid as she was.

"The correct answer is Nivia and Harydia."

"I was half right," I pointed out as I picked up the books from the ground.

"No. You were wrong," she dismissed. "Go home and study the genealogy of the monarchs tonight. Start with the crown prince and go back."

"How far back?"

I really didn't want to know the answer to that.

"To the first monarch, of course," she stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Know them by heart until you can say them in your sleep. All seventy-eight of them."

She glared at the books in my hand and shook her head irately. "Some 'princess' you are. There are so many other suitable royals who know more than you ever could."

I stared at the ground. She was right. History just didn't have the same appeal to me as the sciences did. I sucked at History. I was only able to pass it because of help from my dad and I was happy to kiss it goodbye when we chose our subjects and career paths a year ago. Looks like it came back to bite me in the butt.

There was no way I was going to memorize all the rulers of Crysauralia in order overnight. Madame Lucille knew that, but she was hoping that I would fail miserably and prove her point about me not being fit to marry the prince.

I didn't even want to marry the prince. Any other girl could take my place in a heartbeat and I would gladly step aside.

"Get ready for your next lesson," she hissed as she exited the room.

I barely got a chance to breathe before I was led away to my next lesson.
A large dining table was in front of me and behind one of the chairs, was a tall man with a prominent mustache.

"I am pleased to make your acquaintance, M'lady," he said. "I am Edward, and I will be your tutor in dinner manners. Please," he motioned for me to have a seat.

I was about to pull the chair out, but then remembered one of my lessons. When a man wasn't available to pull a chair out for a woman, a helper was supposed to do it.

It seemed horribly outdated and unnecessary. I was capable of pulling out my own chair and more. Besides, I wasn't even royalty. It was embarrassing to be waited on like that.

"Do not pull your own chair!" Ms. Darby had emphasized this morning.

I seriously contemplated going against that rule, but a boy that looked to be in his late teenage years quickly ran up and pulled the chair out for me.

I sighed. If I went against the rule, they would just be punished in my place. It was so unfair. If I was queen, I'd get rid of those ridiculous rules in a heart beat. Edward looked pleased that I'd remembered.

"Thank you," I smiled at the guy.

He didn't say anything but dissolved back into the long line of helpers that stood ready to wait on the table.

"Let us begin," Edward smiled as he sat across from me.

I gazed at the line of cutlery in front of me. This was going to be a long day.

When all my lessons were finally finished, I was exhausted. Not only did they last until twelve p.m, but now I had a Chemistry session with Noah.

I smiled to myself. At least, I'd get to see him.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

Allow me to introduce Madame Lucille, our newest character! Thoughts on her?

Elizabeth's royal training has begun. Will she do a good job?

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See you in the next chapter!

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