Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 is dedicated to I_knew_it_XD

Thank you for your support ❤

Callie was oddly quiet during English and Literature. She stared off into space and doodled on her page. I had a feeling it had something to do with Daniel, but I decided to let her talk about it when she was ready.

Nicole was sitting beside Ashton but she was flirting with the guy sitting on the other side of her. Ashton didn’t seem to pay any attention to it though, and came over to me when class was finished.

“Hey,” he said to Callie, who continued to stare off into space.

“What’s wrong with her?” he asked.

“It’s complicated… there’s a new noble family by the way.”

“Yeah, I heard something about that from Jackson. I-”

He was interrupted by one of his crew members who cut into our conversation.

“Long time no see, Ashton,” he smirked.

“What’s up, Wyatt?”

“Nothing much,” he said, still smirking as Nicole came up to him and ran her fingers down his arm. She gave me a onceover and scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t deal with this child right now.

“Last night was fun, babe,” Wyatt said, leaning down to kiss her.

“You should come over again tonight,” she purred at him while staring Ashton in the eyes.

Ashton rolled his eyes and glanced at me. The moment we made eye contact we both burst out laughing. Something about the situation was just too hilarious.

Nicole broke the kiss to glare at me and Ashton.

“Let’s go, Elizabeth,” he said, slinging his arms around my shoulder.

I was about to take his arm off me, but decided to let it stay there. Instead of moving away, I leaned in closer to him.

If Nicole was trying to spite Ashton and try to make a fool out of him, we would just have to show her that we didn’t care what she was doing. Ashton looked down at me and I smiled at him. He grinned and we started to walk off.

“Don’t you have anything to say?” Nicole screamed at him, pushing Wyatt out of the way, but we were already in the hallway.

I tried to break free from his grasp, since we were a good distance away from Nicole and Wyatt, but Ashton refused to let me go. Since he had suddenly reappeared at school, for the first time in weeks, everyone was staring at us, convinced that we were really dating.

Kevin fell in line with us as we entered the cafeteria. He looked extremely annoyed.

“Are you okay?” I asked, noting the scowl on his face.

“Nicole’s been getting to their heads,” he pointed at some of Ashton’s friends.

“I realized,” Ashton said, glancing over at them.

“It’s pissing me off,” Kevin growled.

Ashton turned to me. “I’ll see you after school?”

I nodded and he smiled.

I walked over to my table and Callie and Melissa came in a little later. Callie still looked stuck in a daze.

“Did you know that the Royal Realm is like a country in itself?” Melissa asked us excitedly. She had been on a tour of the place with Kevin yesterday. “I’m glad Ashton woke up. You finally look alive again,” she laughed.

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