Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 is dedicated to BakugousWaifu69

Thank you for your support ❤

"Hey, are you okay?"

I glanced up to see Noah giving me a confused look. I nodded slowly.


"Are you sure?" he frowned.

He put down the sodium hydroxide solution he was mixing and sat down beside me. "Did something happen?"

"Well, kinda... But it's really not that big of a deal."

"I'll be the judge of that," he said, taking the lab manual I was holding. "You've been reading the same page for ten minutes. What's wrong?"

"I have?" I sighed. "The pool party didn't end so good."

"I meant to ask about that. What happened?"

"I almost drowned."

He stared at me and I shrugged.

"What? And you came here today? You should have taken the day off."

"I didn't want to stay at home."

He narrowed his eyes. "Did you go to the hospital at least?"

"Yep," I said, popping the p. "I really am fine now."

"You should have called me," he frowned.

"And wake you up in the middle of the night? It's my fault for not knowing how to swim. Don't worry about it."

"I can't help but worry," he sighed. "I couldn't do anything for you for the last six years. Now that I'm here, I should be able to protect you."

"You still think I need to be protected?"

A smile tugged at my lips and the tips of his ears turned pink.

"You don't have to protect me anymore, Noe," I joked, lightly punching his arm.

"What if I want to?" His emerald eyes softened as he looked at me.

I laughed. "If you insist."

"So how did that happen?" he asked. "You almost... drowning." He forced the last part out.

"A guy pushed me into the pool." I frowned.

"Why the hell would he do that?" Noah growled. "Who is he?"

"Calm down," I said as he drummed his fingers quickly on the table. A sign that he was angry.

"I am calm."

"No you're not," I said as I smoothed his fingers down.

"Why would he do that?"

"Because I hit him."

He cocked his head at that. "Good job."

I bit back a laugh. "I just told you that I hit someone and that's your reply?"

"I know you. You wouldn't hurt a fly," he smiled. "He must have done something to deserve it."

"Well, I'm glad you support my aggressive side," I joked.

His expression darkened slightly. "What did he do?"

My face heated up, remembering how he had slapped my butt.

"You don't want to know."

His fingers began their drumming again as he took in my expression. "I should have been there."

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