Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 is dedicated to krixxnne

Thank you for your support ❤

Age: 79


Elizabeth's POV

“Sodium?” Micah asked uncertainly.

I nodded and offered him a sticker. He was getting the hang of this. Micah smiled back happily as we wrapped up the tutoring session. I stretched. We had been at this for a while, but now he understood, so the effort paid off.

After school, I'd offered to drive him home. I was tutoring him in Chemistry. Since he was still in freshman year, he was stuck doing all the subjects until it was time to choose. Armani had gone to get him some food almost an hour ago.

“You could be a teacher,” he grinned. “I wonder where Armani is. He’s been gone for a while.”

As if on cue, an elderly lady burst into the room with wide, panicked eyes. She didn’t even seem to notice me as her attention was solely placed on Micah.

“Your brother’s done it now!” she shrieked.

“What did he do?” Micah asked, jumping up quickly. He shot me a worried glance as I stood up beside him.

The woman finally seemed to notice me and shook her head in confusion. She pointed a shaky finger at me.

“Is this human your soulmate?” she asked hotly.

“No, but-”

“Then why are you cooped up with her in here? One brother is out trying to get himself killed and the other is fraternizing with a human girl!” she yelled.

“He’s doing what?” Micah paled.

We followed the lady out of the house to where a crowd was gathering.

“No!” Micah gasped beside me.

I stared in horror as three guys attacked another guy who wasn’t doing so well against them.

“A-Armani,” Micah stuttered, scrambling towards the fight, but luckily I caught him before he could get too close.

“Don’t, Micah. It’s too dangerous,” I said, pulling him back.

I glanced back at the fight. They were moving too fast and I couldn’t tell which one was Armani for sure, but my guess was that he was the one on the right being ganged up on. One of the guys swiped at his shoulder with long, extended nails.

“Stay here,” I whispered to him as tears glistened in his eyes.

I couldn’t bear to see this and it didn’t look like anyone was going to help. Maybe Armani would recognize me if I went closer... I started to weave through the people when a brown blur whizzed past me. Then, I felt myself being pulled back.

“Liz, stop.” I recognized Kevin’s voice.

I looked back and Kevin placed his arm around my shoulder, holding me in place. He watched intently as Jackson broke up the fight with his presence. I hugged Micah to my chest as Armani struggled to his feet.

Jackson glared at them with a stern intensity and I could almost feel the authority radiating off him. The four guys trailed behind him, following unspoken orders and the crowd began to disperse.

Kevin was silent as he took me and Micah to a large building. This was apparently where disputes regarding Omegas were settled in the Royal Realm.

“Liz, what you did was very dangerous,” he lectured me and I sighed.

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