Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 is dedicated to XxJo355xXx

Thank you for your support ❤

“Are you going to come here every day?” Armani grumbled, despite the fact that it had been weeks since the last time I’d been at their house.

“Only because you’re such a charming host,” I grinned. “I feel so welcomed.”

“You are welcomed,” Micah smiled.

Armani rolled his eyes. “After spending a day at the beck and call of the elites, seeing you is not very comforting.”

“Well, I’m not an elite,” I reminded him.

“Not yet, is what you mean,” he sighed, collapsing on the couch beside Micah.

His arm was bruised and his palms were all scratched up. “This is none of your business,” he murmured after he saw me looking. He got up and stalked off to his room.

“He still hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you,” Micah said softly. “He’s just worried because he doesn’t know if you’ll turn out like the rest of them.”

“Micah, you know I’ll never do anything to hurt you and Armani, right?”

I was a bit scared to hear his answer, but his pure blue-green eyes reassured me that he trusted me completely.

“Of course I do, Elizabeth.”

His eyes were the same as his brother’s, but where Armani’s were cold and distrustful, Micah’s were full of pure trust and honesty. The juxtaposition amazed me and made me sad at the same time. If Micah had to endure what Armani did, would his eyes stay the same? Or would they slowly morph into a chasm of hate that I wouldn’t recognize? That thought scared me.

Armani came back into the room a few minutes later, still making it clear that I was only there because Micah wanted me there.

“Stop being so grouchy, Armani,” Micah sighed.

“Oh please forgive me for worrying when you’re being so carefree around the prince’s soulmate, Micah.”

Micah rolled his eyes at that and grinned at me. “Did you decide to go to the festival?” he asked me. “The Gold Sun Festival.”

“The Solar Gold Festival,” I giggled. “And yes, I was convinced to go. You and Armani should come too.”

“The Solar Gold Festival?” Armani murmured from his place beside Micah. “It’s already been twelve years, huh.”

“Can we go?” Micah asked excitedly.

“Micah…” Armani’s eyes softened. “I don’t know about that.”

Micah sighed, his enthusiasm fading like wisps of smoke. I didn’t want to see him sad.

“C’mon, Armani,” I implored. “Let’s go together.”

“If you’re suggesting I go with you and the elites, it’s a hard pass from me.”

“But my other friends will be there too. Micah knows them. You wouldn’t have to be around the other guys at all… not that they’d do anything to you.”

“You say they wouldn’t, but I know of one Beta that hangs out with the prince who hates us almost as much as I hate him.”

That must be Jun.

“But still,” I insisted. “You two can go together instead. There’ll be so many people, you probably won’t even encounter the… the nobles.”

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