Chapter 81

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Chapter 81 is dedicated to thePrincessAndromeda

Thank you for your support ❤




I glanced over at Callie as the pen noises continued.

“You okay?”

“Hmm?” she asked, looking up. She looked down at her mechanical pencil whose tip was extended in a long line. “Oh.”

She got to fixing her pencil as the bell rang. “I’m just nervous,” she sighed. “The audition results are going to be emailed this week.”

“That’s quicker than I thought,” I said as we walked out of the classroom.

Nicole pushed past us as we walked down the hallway, but I just ignored her behavior. Callie’s phone beeped and she let out a bated breath before reaching for it. I waited anxiously as she checked her email.

“It’s nothing,” she sighed. “False alarm.”

“I’m sure you’ll hear from them soon, Cals. You did your best.”

She nodded as we headed to lunch. “I just hope it was enough for them.”



Callie blinked as Melissa waved a hand in front of her face. She shook her head. “What’s up?”

“You’ve been spaced out all lunch,” Melissa frowned. “Is something bothering you?”

“Is it about the auditions?” I asked.

Callie nodded and pressed her hands to her face. “I’ve been waiting on them to email and it’s been taking so long,”

“You’ve got this, hun,” Melissa winked. “If you don’t get the role, then something’s wrong with them.”

Suddenly, Callie’s phone beeped and she groaned and dropped her head onto the table. “I’ve had so many false alarms this week, I doubt it’s them.”

She scooped up the phone and pressed a shaky hand to her chest. We stared at the phone curiously as she exhaled and checked her emails. Her face lit up with a thousand watt smile in an instant.

“I can’t believe it… it’s them. It’s the company. They emailed me!”

“See?” I grinned. “It just takes a bit of patience.”

Callie nodded excitedly. Her green eyes sparkled with anticipation as she opened the email. Melissa and I glanced at each other with bated breaths as Callie read through the message.

Her brows furrowed as her eyes trailed down the screen and a frown formed on her lips. She looked up at us in confusion. I cocked my head in curiosity.

“I didn’t… I didn’t get the role.”

“Oh hun, I’m so sorry,” Melissa sighed, slipping her arms around her in a tight hug as Callie brushed some tears away.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Is that what they said?”

She nodded forlornly. “The cast has been chosen already, and I didn’t make the cut. They said I’m not what they’re looking for. I really thought I did a good job,” she sighed, staring at the ground. “I gave it my all.”

“I’m sure you did, Cals,” I patted her hair. “I know you’re disappointed, but this doesn’t mean you’re not talented. It’s a learning experience.”

She nodded, too upset to speak. I frowned at the table. I knew just how much she wanted this. She’d spent so much time preparing for the audition and it was sad to see her efforts crumble in front of her.

She wiped away the rest of the tears and sighed, pushing her lunch away. “I’m so disappointed with myself right now.”

“Don’t be,” I sighed. “Just keep going. Don’t give up, we believe in your abilities.”

“Thanks girls,” she said, wrapping us in a hug. “I won’t ever give up. I will become an actress!”

“You said it,” Melissa smiled. “You can do it. You’re our star.”

Callie gave us a small smile and then sighed as she stared down at her phone.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

Poor Callie... Will she be able to get over her disappointment?

How will this impact the rest of her week?

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