Chapter 3: Diplomacy

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Qua Toyne Principality, Capital

April 30, 1639, 11:00 A.M.

Prime Minister Kanata looked to the skies as he heard a peculiar chopping noise, as if a hundred wyverns were flapping their wings simultaneously. As the sounds grew louder, he squinted, identifying the source of the chopping noises: the 'helicopters' that the Americans were using to travel. He stepped back as they hovered above him, carefully touching down in the courtyard. Leaves from nearby trees and bushes flew every which direction, only settling down when the blades of the helicopters ceased their activity.

A man in a dark suit stepped out of the lead helicopter, flanked by several burly-looking guards holding black musket-like weapons. "Prime Minister Kanata?" He called out.

"Yes, I take it you're Ambassador Anders from the United States?" He walked up to shake his hand.

"Yep. Glad to meet you, Prime Minister," Anders replied, curious about the origins of Kanata's name. "Mind if we take this inside?"

"Of course. Please, follow me." Kanata led Anders and his delegation into a conference room, where several Qua Toynian leaders were already seated.

"Thank you," Anders said as he accepted a seat offered by a servant. He sat down, and pulled out several documents from his briefcase while the Qua Toynians finished setting up their papers.

"Now," Kanata said, clasping his hands together. "We shall commence the first diplomatic discussion between the Principality of Qua Toyne and the United States of America! Ambassador Anders?"

Anders stood up. "On behalf of the United States of America, I thank you for receiving us so kindly and at such fast speeds. I would also like to emphasize our sincerest apologies for violating your airspace."

Kanata nodded. "We accept your apology. Now, for this meeting, we would specifically like to know more about your country. Who exactly are we having diplomatic talks with?"

Anders gathered the documents from his briefcase and distributed them. "On these documents, you will find basic information about our country and a summary of our circumstances here in this New World."

As the Qua Toynian delegation picked up the documents, Anders noticed several confused looks among them.

"Umm... Mister Ambassador," Foreign Minister Matara began, "We can't read this."

"Huh?" Anders was surprised. "But... you're speaking English right now," he said confusingly.

"That's strange indeed..." Matara replied. "We don't know of this language you refer to as 'English'. To us, it seems like you're speaking the common tongue!"

"Oh. I suppose we'll have to sort this out for future discussions. For now, I can explain the details orally." Anders nodded at one of the sailors, who turned on a projector. The projector displayed a presentation onto the polished wooden walls of the conference room, providing visual context to Anders' explanation. The Qua Toynians were fascinated by the magical display, gasping in shock as the pictures on the wall materialized out of nowhere.

The projector displayed a map of the US next to the Rodenius continent, and other landmasses in extraordinary detail. Depicted to the northeast of the Rodenius continent, the continental United States was a massive landmass exceeding the size of Rodenius. Surrounding it were several islands, made up of other summoned territories such as Guam and Puerto Rico, alongside new islands, such as the one that the United States Forces Japan (USFJ) found itself on. To the north of the United States and south of the Grameus continent, there was another large landmass, identified as 'Alaska', another holding of the United States.

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