Chapter 33: Parpaldian Preparation

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November 10, 1639
Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire

"Mistress Remille! Mistress Remille!" A soft voice sounded, slowly growing louder.

Remille rolled over in her bed, groaning in annoyance. "Hmm.."

"You must awaken; there is an emergency! The Emperor demands your presence in an emergency meeting!"

Remille's eyelids flew open, her state of mind immediately switching to alertness as she realized the gravity of the situation. Her maids wouldn't wake her up unless it was a truly dire circumstance. She threw her blanket to the side, getting up with grace and precision. "Jana, bring me my clothes."

The blonde maid bowed before exiting Remille's presence. She promptly returned holding Remille's imperial attire, along with a set of magic gems. Using the magic gems, the maid created a small cloud of water to help Remille freshen up before the meeting. Mist swirled around Remille as she was cleaned, her appearance already strikingly different from her prior grogginess.

"Thank you. Now do clean my room, Jana."


Imperial Palace

Director Kaios felt all eyes on him while everyone waited for the room to fill up. Numerous military officials and advisors were already present, bearing stern looks as they pondered over the shocking news of the Americans' declaration of war. In a way, Kaios felt uneasy, as if everyone somehow blamed him for the declaration of war. After all, he was the main ambassador to the United States; could he have done something to cause this declaration of war?

Rays of golden sunlight illuminated the room as the morning began, creating an ambience in the meeting room that could be described as the calm before the storm. Idle chatter built up the tension in the room, with two sides forming: one concerned about the Americans and the other vengeful, arrogantly eager to teach this new barbarian country its place. Kaios hoped that reason and logic would prevail, since there was no way the Parpaldian Empire could even lay a finger on the United States.

Soon enough, all members arrived. Presided over by Emperor Ludius, the meeting commenced. Seeing the Emperor's hand raise, everyone instinctively quieted down. Then, he spoke, "The war of punishment we have waged on Altaras has escalated. As you all know, the new nation of the United States of America has allied with these rebellious barbarians," he said while raising a clenched fist. His tone increasingly became more angry as he continued, "This defiance against us must be crushed, lest it spread to our other territories. We do not — and will never — tolerate defiance! It is imperative that we teach these barbarians their place."

Nods of agreement swept through the Parpaldian officials within the room, followed by Emperor Ludius' intense gaze. Silhouetted against the bright light pouring through the windows, his figure seemed much more imposing. His silence made his subjects uncomfortable, adding a dramatic effect for his next words. "However, we recognize that these new adversaries are much more powerful than the barbarians we are accustomed to fighting. Director Vindus, elaborate on your report on the United States."

"Yes, Your Excellency," a bald man with a dark goatee bowed his head, shining medals clinking against each other as he knelt. He took a breath before speaking, "The Information Bureau has worked closely with Supreme Commander Arde and Mistress Remille to analyze combat results and determine the extent of the United States' capabilities. Upon laborious study of the engagement between the pirate fleet in Fenn and the American naval battle group, we have been able to discern that their ships are equipped with long-range precision cannons, similar to those of Mu. However, these cannons boast superior accuracy, range, and fire rate. Unfortunately, we are unable to determine their maximum range. Additionally, these vessels are equipped with an ancient weapon: the guided light arrow. We reason that this weapon is either expensive, or low in number due to their reluctance to use them. They seem to prefer using their cannons against our ships. Furthermore, this information is corroborated by our spies in the United States, who are posing as merchants. We have so far yet to learn anything that we can use in combat, but we at least know that these vessels are called 'destroyers'."

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