Chapter 148: The Land of the Free

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We will return to the Gra Valkan War with Chapter 150.

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December 22, 1640
Ceider, Cryseilies

The main hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was a grand space, designed to intimidate the neighboring nations. Today, it seemed to shrink under the weight of anticipation. At the end of the hall stood a door that led to Minister Tatchell's office, where a meeting was underway.

"...After the introduction, we had formal discussions with the leader of the American delegation, Ambassador Anders," Liraz explained. "We spoke about potential areas of cooperation but did not agree on anything conclusive yet. They've invited us for a tour of their homeland, a chance to observe their culture, economy, and military might firsthand. They seem quite eager to display their capabilities. I agreed to this proposal. I suggest we carefully select a team for this expedition. Not just diplomats, but also experts in magic, technology, and military tactics."

Tatchell nodded, his mind turning over the implications of this invitation. This was an opportunity, no doubt, but it was also a potential pitfall. As Tatchell dismissed Liraz and prepared to bring this news to the Divine Chamber, he wondered about what sort of steps they would decide on taking. They would have to be very careful about how they approached this.

Entering the Divine Chamber, he prepared to deliver the news to King Geuge alongside the rest of the Divine family and a cohort of advisors, from General Affairs Minister Waydes to the Warrior King Minett. "Your Divine Highness," Tatchell began, kneeling before the regal figure on the throne.

He relayed the details of the report compiled by Ambassador Liraz, sparing no detail. From the awe-inspiring display of American technology and the vivid landscape of their vast lands, to the revelation of their formidable military prowess, Tatchell recounted every observation and deduction made by Commander Jaelmark and Technician Ailenna. He explained how the Americans made a point to emphasize their desire for peace, but also their readiness for war. Considering the disparity in power, he stressed, "It would be prudent to determine a policy by which we can coexist with these Americans, reaping off their trade rather than reaping the souls of our kin in battle."

Geuge digested the information, eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and caution. The details presented a clear picture: the Americans were a powerful entity, a civilization that could not be taken lightly. "We must tread carefully," the Divine King finally said. "We are dealing with an entity we do not fully understand, yet one that holds tremendous power."

He paused, looking each of his advisors in the eye. "We shall not bow down, nor will we provoke. Our next steps must be considered carefully, taking into account everything we have learned so far. I want to know more about these Americans, about their ways, and about their intentions. Arrange for a diplomatic party to attend this proposed tour."

The officials present delved into discussion, a consensus gradually forming around Neith, the Divine Princess. Her youth and curiosity made her an ideal candidate to soak in the new experiences and insights this tour would provide. Her diplomatic tendencies would also serve her well in the gentle dance of interactions with the Americans.

"Divine Princess," Tatchell addressed Neith directly, you have always shown wisdom beyond your years. It would be an honor if you would represent us in this critical task."

Neith, startled at first by the proposition, considered it carefully. The responsibility was immense. Still, she felt an exciting thrill at the prospect. It was a chance to be a part of something groundbreaking, something that would reshape their understanding of the world. With a determined nod, she accepted. "I am honored by your faith in me and will endeavor to represent Cryseilies to the best of my abilities."

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