Chapter 7: The Battle of Rodenius Sea (2)

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June 12, 1639

Rodenius Sea

It was a nightmare born from the darkest eras of humanity, reminiscent of the horrors to come should the Ancient Sorcerous Empire ever return. The sheer disparity between the enemy fleet and his own was made clear just moments ago. With his own eyes, Sharkun witnessed the destruction of his vessels, one by one as the enemy fleet fired their magical cannons.

Each thunderous boom signified the complete annihilation of one of his ships — inconceivable considering Louria's level of technology. Certainly, ballistae can damage ships, flaming arrows can sometimes set ships ablaze, and the cannons he's heard of can create holes along ship hulls. These attacks, however, totally obliterated his vessels, pulverizing their hulls and sending their sailors flying into the air along with bits of debris. What was even more incredulous was their accuracy and range: each time the enemy ships 'opened fire', as the enemy had warned, a ship would be hit. All he could hear were deafening cracks as wood snapped and sailors died, and all he could see was a torrential blizzard of wood and gore.

The enemy ships stopped after 10 salvos. 50 of his vessels were destroyed in short succession. Now, after the slaughter, he watched the enemy fleet in reflection, wondering if he should have heeded their warning. Even if he had, he would've lost the loyalty of his crew and his job, perhaps even his life. This outcome was something no one could ever have expected; the difference in power seemed to be greater than if he had fought with the Parpaldian Navy.

Analyzing the results of the engagement, he talked to his flagship's captain. "They seem to have ceased their attack... could they have run out of magical power?"

"I have never seen magical attacks conducted on this scale, but I would agree with your assumption, Admiral Sharkun," the captain replied.

"Then, while they are busy regenerating their mana stores, we can conduct a combined assault! Captain, have your communication mages relay my request to Wyvern Command. The enemy has cannons, but no wyverns. They will crumble under an aerial assault!"

"It shall be done, Admiral."


Jin Hark, Wyvern Command

"... lost 50 of our vessels to their magical attacks!"

General Patagene listened to the short report of the skirmish and the subsequent request for air support. "Hmm," he mused, looking at the wyverns below the control tower as he contemplated strategy.

"How shall we fulfill their request, General?" the communications mage asked.

After a moment of silence, General Patagene unveiled his decision. "Send 250."

The communications mage's eyes widened. "T-two hundred fifty, sir? Are you certain?"

"Of course! Based on the descriptions provided by our fleet, this standoff will likely turn into a decisive naval battle. If we crush the enemy fleet now, with all of our might, then we shan't fear any more obstacles impeding our conquest of Rodenius. Send 250."

The mage bowed. "Yes, sir." He conveyed the orders to the wyvern knights below and informed the Lourian Eastern Subjugation Navy of their incoming reinforcements, much to their delight.

With the order to launch given, pairs of wyverns began to take off from the base's runways, loitering in the air until the entire group was ready to go. General Patagene observed the flock above him: a mighty force that gave him goosebumps. "Such a concentration of power!"

Citizens and soldiers alike watched the spectacle above, cheering as the force ventured eastward to support their brethren upon the high seas.


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