Chapter 62: Gesta's Gamble (2)

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February 10
Washington D.C.

Cool air conditioning seemed like something that every American building contained. Sitting on a bench in the hallway, Gesta mused on the energy costs of having such appliances running all the time as he waited for the Americans. He and his team — which consisted of Cielia, Dallas, and some minor personnel — arrived punctually. They reflected Gra Valkan manners; even Dallas arrived with a clean haircut and tailored clothing.

"This meeting will be dictated by myself and my counterpart," Gesta reminded his team, taking their attention away from the various paintings that adorned the white walls of the building. "If you have something to say, stand up and whisper it to me. I will request a sidebar and we can discuss the matter."

The Gra Valkans nodded, understanding the rules laid out by their superior.

Soon enough, the door beside them opened. An aide invited them inside, where Secretary Heiden and his colleagues were already seated. They all wore neat suits with ties, similar to the one Gesta himself was wearing. Gesta scanned the room and it's occupants as he walked toward his seat, recognizing only Heiden. Several other important-looking figures sat beside him, introducing themselves as soon as Heiden announced the start of the meeting.

Heiden cleared his throat before speaking, "Greetings, delegates from the Gra Valkas Empire. On behalf of all Americans, I humbly welcome you to the United States of America. I hope that today, we are able to establish the foundations of a great friendship. I am Secretary of State Gordon Heiden; I will be representing the United States of America in our discussions today. Beside me are my colleagues, figures from other departments who will help guide any decisions relating to their respective fields."

The Americans stood up to shake the hands of the Gra Valkans as they proceeded with introductions.

"Elijah Hubbard, Secretary of Commerce," a gray-haired man stood up.

"Robert Hill," a black man introduced himself, "Secretary of Defense."

Gesta and his colleagues followed suit, exchanging pleasantries before getting on with the meeting.

"Now then," Heiden said. "Director Gesta, the United States of America is open to relations, although I must emphasize that we require certain concessions; rules and regulations that we expect other civilized countries to abide by."

"And what might these concessions be?" Gesta asked.

Heiden spoke plainly, staring straight at Gesta. His neutral, professional expression gave no hint with regards to his emotions. "They're fairly straightforward. Things like sapient rights, the abolition of slavery, and so on. Depending on the type of relation or types of agreements you seek, we can provide you with the necessary documents."

Gesta felt a bit relieved. There were discussions about bringing back slavery due to the Elysian's low level of technology and the prevalence of the practice, but ultimately decided against it. Slavery, as they had learned during their conquest of Yggdra, led to inevitable instability. They feared what slaves might do to expensive infrastructure and machines. They feared the existence of magic, which could lead to terrorism.

Talk of rights, however, reminded him of the debilitating geopolitics of Yggdra. It annoyed him, but he expertly suppressed small twitches that were beginning to form along his mouth. "I reckon some sort of agreement regarding rules of war will be included?"

Heiden nodded. "Indeed they will. I planned to discuss that later actually, but we can do that now. Would you like to go over our proposal?"

Restrictive rules of war held the Gra Valkas Empire back. Political dissidence grew as they continued to consume more nations, bringing the rest of Yggdra into their fold. Kain's cultural warfare campaign against the impressionable Gra Valkan youth left scars that were still present. Only consistent propaganda efforts highlighting the barbarism of Elysia's primitives were able to stave off the popularity of pacifist ideals. If the pacifists found out that there exists a country with rules of war, it would dismantle the barbaric image they've created of the Elysians. It would provide fuel that they could use to grow their movements. As an authoritarian, he lamented the unavoidable choices he had to make. He only hoped that the propagandists back home could deal with the fallout. "Very well, Mister Secretary. Let us begin."

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