Chapter 104: Progress

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July 8, 1640
Grameus Continent
MRD Facility 2

There it stood, encased in a shell visually identical to that of the Tomahawk missile, a device borne from the fruits of cooperation with the Holy Mirishial Empire. Mounted on a launch platform, it seemed no different from its Tomahawk siblings. Yet, hidden within its silvery chassis, a whole slew of internal mechanisms begged to differ.

Unlike the standard Tomahawk, this experimental variant — dubbed the 'Tomahawk Block 6' — has a magically enhanced warhead capable of multiplying its destructive power at least fivefold, without adding any weight. Much like the Comet 1, this missile's payload consists of enchantments and magic gem residue in combination with conventional explosives. Unlike the Comet 1, however, this improved Tomahawk boasts a much higher weight efficiency, supersonic capability, and a range of close to 2,000 miles.

As Dr. Holden deduced, magical enchantments and laser-etched runes represented the best performance enhancers the United States has ever seen. The volatile nature of magic dust allowed for more power, whether it be explosions for bombs or combustion processes used for propulsion. On the other hand, versatile enchantments and runes allowed researchers to hone in on specific attributes, such as speed, cooling, or — once again — power.

The new Tomahawk made the most of these discoveries, enhancing the weapon with minimal investment and few extraneous additions to the manufacturing process. Fire protection runes allowed the engine to withstand the increased temperatures produced by fuel saturated with magic dust. Power runes complemented the warhead's explosive potential, while aerodynamic runes helped the missile in flight.

Dr. Holden contemplated his notes while his subordinates rushed around the newly established facility, preparing to launch the missile in the distance. Screens and wires jutted out of the concrete prefab, creating an unsightly arrangement that was only justified due to its temporary condition. Advanced laboratory equipment, imported from the States, juxtaposed against the dreary gray walls of the building. Basic posters and other personal paraphernalia for the employees served as the only decorations for the building's interior, which was otherwise kept spotless.

Eventually, all checks for the missile's launch were completed. A suited man emerged from a cubicle lined with posters of a goth lolita, a blue-haired mage, and an elf. "Sir, the target is locked, and additional armaments are ready to dispose of the Mammoth should the missile be insufficient."

Holden nodded and walked to the facility's main control room, which resembled a NASA control room. "Very well, Mister Paige. Let us begin the countdown to launch."

Holden's second in command followed him into the room. "Understood, sir," he said before issuing directions to the other staff present. "Alright, everyone! This is going to be our first test on a live target," he explained, pointing at a large screen positioned at the far end of the room. "Biometrics, be prepared to analyze and report the condition of the monster as soon as the missile has landed. Flight, begin countdown!"

A female announcer counted down from 30. On the screen, the mammoth continued to feast on its kill, an adult hydra. Sharing many physical features with Earth's wooly mammoth, this Elysian creature was a large elephant-like animal with large tusks. However, this is where the similarities ended. The Gramean mammoth brandished a strange weapon hidden within its snout — which acted like a tank's gun — and an armored shell around its thick fur. Coupled with a level of maneuverability unexpected for a creature of its size, the Gramean mammoth represented a significant threat to the Grameus expeditions' exploration teams. Alternatively, it also represented a unique research opportunity.

As the countdown reached its climax, the missile screamed into the sky, crying like an otherworldly banshee. Outfitted with the latest and greatest in the American arsenal, the experimental Tomahawk broke the sound barrier a mile away from the MRD facility.

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