Chapter 181: The Battle of Mykal

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

If you like Summoning America, you'll love Manifest Fantasy! Manifest Fantasy is my latest work and is also modern-fantasy-themed. Expect excellent writing quality, well-written characters, original worldbuilding, and a fresh take on the modern vs fantasy (or military isekai) genre.

Note 2:

Read up to two weeks ahead: Chapters 182 and 183 are now out for corresponding Patreon tiers!


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January 23, 1641
Artticus Ocean (en route to Mykal)
IGVN Second Conquest Fleet
Grade Atlastar-class Battleship GVS Laniakea

The latest reconnaissance report from the GVS Adler just arrived, and it all but confirmed what they already knew from previous intelligence-gathering efforts: a fleet of around 80 ships, with at least six La-Burke class destroyers, a pair of Orichalcum-class battleships, and a pair of Rodeus-class carriers. Venstrom drummed his fingers on the table, his brow furrowed. The EDI fleet's composition was troublesome, especially those damned La-Burkes with their advanced anti-aircraft capabilities. And the Orichalcum-class battleships? He'd rather not think about the devastation their missiles could unleash on his ships.

But aside from those few ships, this was by no means any force that could be deemed a significant threat – not at all concerning, at least on paper. Yet, Fleet Admiral Venstrom remained concerned. He was almost certain they were sailing into a trap, but there weren't any signs of the Americans. No ships, no planes, no missiles appearing over the horizon. Despite this, he knew, he felt it in his gut that they were out there, somewhere.

Venstrom studied the report, his eyes tracing the positions of the EDI ships. The formation was textbook, a classic defensive arrangement that maximized the strengths of each vessel type. The La-Burkes were arranged on the outer perimeter, providing anti-air coverage. The Orichalcums remained in the center, their missile ranges overlapping to create a formidable strike capability. And the destroyers, magic frigates, and light cruisers were arrayed in a standard anti-submarine screen.

It was exactly what he would have done in their position.

He glanced up at Rear Admiral Gormund, his chief of staff. "A solid formation. They've learned a lot from the other battles, haven't they?"

"They can learn everything about our operations and capabilities – and they may well already have. Yet, what can they do? No matter how perfect their formation is, they will crumble without this handful of ships," Gormund said, indicating the tabletop map and the pieces that represented the La-Burkes, Orichalcums, and Rodeus-class vessels.

Venstrom nodded, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. It was a relief to know that they would be able to accomplish their objective, but a part of him wished that their scouting party found signs of American presence – at least then, he would've been able to fall back and await further orders with little worry. Well, this was no time to dwell on hypotheticals.

Directing his attention to the current situation, he began planning. "Indeed. And that's where we shall focus our efforts. Commander Neumark," he turned to his operations officer, "let's discuss the allocation of our forces."

Neumark stepped forward. "Yes, sir. Given the enemy's defensive posture and the absence of any detected American units, I recommend we split off a portion of our fleet to engage the Mykal fleet while keeping the majority of our forces in reserve," he said, giving a nod to Venstrom.

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