Chapter 26: The Invasion of Altaras

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November 7, 1639
Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

With the threat of Parpaldian conquest looming over the horizon, tensions brewed as the wealthy Altarans prepared for war. Over the last few weeks, King Taara noticed an increase in the aggressiveness of Parpaldia's policies, which then culminated in the most outrageous demand he had ever seen. He contorted his face in disgust and anger as he read over the latest message from the Parpaldian ambassador.

Somehow, the Parpaldians had figured out that he was selling magic gems in exchange for firearms. Displeased with this potential threat, they demanded that King Taara forfeit all purchased firearms. As punishment for engaging in such business, the Parpaldians wanted him to formally relinquish the independence of Altaras and submit to the Parpaldian Empire. Furthermore, they wanted his daughter as a slave!

"What is this?!" He exclaimed, rereading the document to ensure that he wasn't imagining things. To his dismay, the ridiculous demands were indeed written on the documents and signed by the Parpaldian ambassador. A wave of denial washed over him, leading him to exit his castle and confirm with the Parpaldian embassy.

Eyes along the streets ogled at him and his entourage as he strutted past, ready to speak a piece of his mind. His citizens, noticing King Taara's upset demeanor, followed him. By the time he reached the Parpaldian embassy, he had amassed a large crowd — one large enough to scare the Parpaldians into thinking that an assault was taking place.

The Parpaldian embassy guards drew their weapons and aimed it at the crowd. In response, Taara's Royal Guards aimed their new rifles at the Parpaldians, leading to a tense standoff. Not wanting to risk having his subjects fired upon, King Taara stepped forward. He took initiative and spoke to the guards, asking to be let inside for diplomatic purposes.

"Very well, King of Altaras. You may proceed," one of the guards said without keeping his eyes off the Royal Guards.

King Taara looked back, hoping the standoff wouldn't escalate as he ventured into the building. He pushed the heavy wooden doors open and took a breath as he walked toward the receptionist. "I'd like to see the ambassador," he said with an authoritative, demanding voice.

The receptionist quivered in her seat, surprised by the sheer defiance and determination of this barbarian king. She nodded meekly and got up, leaving to go fetch the ambassador. Within a minute, she came back and softly asked him to follow her.

"Lead the way," Taara said.

As they walked toward the ambassador's office, more guards rushed past them, muskets in hand. King Taara frowned, feeling his heart palpitate at the thought of a gunfight breaking out. He steeled himself as they neared the ambassador's office, which the receptionist opened. He saw the ambassador inside with his legs resting on the only other chair in the room.

The Parpaldian ambassador spoke rudely, "So, the king himself has arrived! Took you long enough."

"Sir Ambassador," Taara began, "I wanted to confirm if this document is indeed the request of the Parpaldian government." He placed the papers in front of the ambassador.

"Hmm... Relinquish independence... Surrender the princess as a slave..." He muttered. "Looks like everything is in order. What, did you really think this was some sort of joke? You have a week to comply with this request."

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