Chapter 158: Orisun

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

Manifest Fantasy Chapter 1 is now available on RoyalRoad! Expect much better writing quality overall, from plot to character development. I know a lot of you are GATE fans as well. Manifest Fantasy is NOT a GATE fanfiction; it is an original piece. It'll be quite the breath of fresh air compared to GATE itself, so I think you all will enjoy it. I will be uploading new chapters once every two weeks. Summoning America updates will remain consistent.

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Malmund Grasslands, Mu

General Flats assessed the topographical map laid out before him, drawn from the latest intelligence. "Orisun is our objective," Flats began, his tone matter-of-fact. "It shall be the critical staging ground for attacks at their railroads."

Colonel Raditz leaned over the table to examine the lines and notations. "Any words from the latest scouts? We still have little information on the terrain; our knowledge of the landscape is minimal, if not dated."

Flats scratched his temple. "Our last reconnaissance plane fell to a missile, evidence of Muans trained in American tactics and using American equipment. The town itself was poorly fortified, but the surrounding forest remains an unknown. It can provide cover for both sides."

"Then we proceed with our cautious advance," Raditz predicted.

"Indeed, but we have a limited window of opportunity before reinforcements arrive at the nearby hub," Flats said, reviewing the rest of their plan. As they ran through final reviews, Flats' gaze swept over the faces around the table. "With that in mind, let's talk about the magical aspect of our concerns."

Meissner, flicking through his intelligence notes, seized the moment to speak. "Our current recon data suggests a conventional battlefield, low concentrations of mana according to madar. Artillery is already in position both to support our men against enemy mages and to respond to possible Muan counter-battery fire."

Flats paused for a moment, taking in Meissner's report. "That data's days old. Are we sure it's still reliable?"

Prepared for this concern, Meissner responded, "Our men are equipped with compact madar units, with teams of Sicarius operatives supporting them. Should they detect any mages that may have set up shop in the past few days, we have the options of shelling their positions or dispatching special forces to eliminate high-value mage targets."

Flats nodded. "Excellent. Then, let's get to work. We secure Orisun swiftly, then immediately prepare to take Durnsbury. This meeting is adjourned. We commence the operation in 0200 hours."


Captain Vin Kessler tightened the strap of his field pack, conscious of the grenades and ammo pouches that hung from it. "All right, Ulfar Company," he spoke to the men around him, "we roll out in five."

Corporal Wulfhart, who operated the madar equipment, looked up. "Acknowledged, sir."

"Hans, have your men take some flamethrowers. Probably not the best idea in a forest, but Gods know we might need it, "Kessler gestured toward the heavy weapons specialist, who tapped the side of his helmet in response.

Lieutenant Einar approached, a notepad in hand. "All units are set, sir. We've coordinated with artillery; they're instructed to hold fire unless we absolutely need it or find a unit of mages. Light armor is also available for support."

Kessler nodded.

Just then, a signalman approached, holding a wired field telephone. "Sir, a message from Colonel Raditz."

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