Chapter 49: Breakthrough

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January 12, 1640
Undisclosed Location
Magical Research Department, Facility 1

"Show me," an eager Lee spoke.

Looking out toward an open plain, he stood beside Dr. Holden along with several other MRD researchers. Wearing protective gear and sheltered behind a bunker about half a mile from the test site, they glued their eyes to the blank monitor in front of them and the converter behind it. Wires connected to the converter stretched out of the room, snaking toward the boxy object in the distance.

Dr. Holden pressed a key on his laptop, initiating the experiment. A countdown timer mounted overhead began ticking, numbers announced by a monotone female voice. A curious blue glow emerged, surrounding the boxy object as it channeled energy from a magic gem within. As energy was siphoned from the magic gem, a gauge on the monitor crept up.

"100 watts... 200... 500... 1200! 3 kilowatts, 5!" A scientist read the numbers on the monitor aloud.

The blue glow in the distance soon dissipated, with the readings on the monitor falling to a corresponding degree.

"Any signs of radiation?" Dr. Holden asked one of his subordinates.

Looking at a Geiger counter, she responded, "Nothing at all. The source of the energy does not match any other energy generation sources we know of."

Lee, unsure of the significance of these readings, walked up to Dr. Holden, asking him questions while the experiment died down. "So Doctor, does this mean we have a new source of clean energy?"

"Indeed, although we'll have to run further tests. The implications of this experiment though... are groundbreaking. The fact that we can convert magical energy to electricity seems to suggest a relation between the two."

"Then does that mean we can convert electricity into magical energy?" Lee wondered.

"That's precisely what we hope to find out in our next experiment. Mister President, please put your safety goggles back on," Dr. Holden said as he returned to his computer. "Are the preparations ready?" He asked a nearby researcher.

"They are, sir."

"Excellent. Let us proceed," he said, fastening his own goggles before pressing a key on his laptop.

The energy that was transferred away from the magic gem was returned to it seamlessly. Lee looked at the researchers to gauge their expressions. Evidently, they were unsurprised at what they assumed to be an expected event.

"Martin, feed the gem with five kilowatts," Dr. Holden said.

A researcher fiddled with his laptop, adjusting the input value to 5,000 watts, which were fed to the magic gem over the course of several minutes. With anxious anticipation, hearts began to beat as the mana detector remained silent.

"Hmm..." Dr. Holden analyzed the Mirishian device. "That doesn't seem right," he said, staring at the blank screen.

"Is it on?" Lee offered.

Dr. Holden gave a nervous smile as he inspected the buttons on the device. "Ah, it appears it wasn't on." He flicked the switch, causing the device to spark to life and give a faint blip, which quickly grew into a reading corresponding to the mana signature of the device within the box. Another signature, placed equidistant from the observers and near the original sample, designated the energy of a standard magic gem. Compared to the electrified sample, the reference outputted less magical energy.

"Well... that's certainly fascinating," Holden remarked.

"What is?"

Holden explained, "This discovery may have some interesting applications, once we figure out how to use magic. In particular, I believe that we could incorporate magic into our machines and devices one day, much like the Parpaldians, Muans, and Mirishians. It may take a while for independent development to occur, especially with only Rodenius and nearby island nations offering magical assistance," he hinted.

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