Chapter 75: Founder's Throne

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March 12
Central District, Kingdom of Esperanto

Having successfully defended the Kals district, the Americans — better known to the locals as 'Emissaries' — were invited to the royal castle for a feast. Escorted by knights on horseback, a column of JLTVs made their way through the capital, drawing the attention of curious locals. The convoy rolled to a stop outside the castle gates, fortunate enough to find a vast empty space where they could park.

A retinue of royal guards met with the escorts, opening doors for the king and his guests. King Esperanto was then approached by his head maid, who was instructed to prepare lodging and a feast for the guests.

While King Esperanto returned to the castle to help coordinate preparations, Captain Mortes remained with the Americans. "I'm afraid you may have to wait, good Emissaries," Mortes explained to Captain Baker and Ambassador Meyer. "We unfortunately don't have the luxury of long distance communication, and can't prepare events in advance."

"I don't think we'll have any significant boundaries with the distribution of radios," Meyer said, hinting at potential sales in the future. "And even if we do, you should be able to buy manacomms from the rest of the world once we establish a road to this kingdom."

"That sounds very promising," Saffine said, looking at Baker. "Not only will we have access to everything the outside world has to offer, but we will also be able to keep in contact with outsiders!" She kept her eyes on Baker's.

Baker chuckled nervously, "Yeah, something like that. It'll take a bit to set up the infrastructure though."

Mortes allowed a smile, his suspicions being replaced by camaraderie. "Mister Ambassador, we would very much appreciate such aid from the Emissaries."

Meyer brushed it off, remaining humble. "If His Highness is willing, my government has a lot of recommendations and offerings that can improve the quality of life here. Everyone's been living on edge for how long?"

"Centuries," Mortes responded, "Ever since the founding of this kingdom we've lost many to monster raids. Nevertheless, we have survived."

Meyer gave a wholehearted chuckle, "And with new aid, you'll thrive. There are a lot of technologies that we could offer your people. Hopefully my government will approve."

"New technologies, hmm?" A voice emerged from behind. A scholarly man wearing glasses and a fashionable yellow coat stepped forward to introduce himself. "Ah, where are my manners? My apologies," he extended his hand, shakin Meyer's, then Baker's. "I'm Janus Sei, Director of the Royal Office of Science."

"Nice to meet you," Baker said.

Sei was instantly captivated by the rifle slung over Baker's chest. "My, that looks like quite a work of art!" In an abrupt shift of tone, he returned to greeting his colleagues, "You've done excellent work finding the Emissaries, Captain Mortes. And Doctor Balthus! What brings you to the capital?"

"I have an artifact you may wish to analyze. It is a gem that somehow is able to exert control over intelligent demons, like the Oni."

"That is unsettling... That means there is someone out there advanced enough to bend these vicious creatures to their will. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Doctor Balthus. Bring the materials to my laboratory, please."

Balthus nodded, directing a couple marines toward Sei's laboratory.

Meyer gave a slight nod and smile, "So you're interested in our technologies, Director?"

"Indeed I am!" Sei responded with excitement, switching from his somber tone earlier. "I've been studying the designs of the Emissaries for many years. In fact, your designs helped me create our first black powder firearms! Of course, we also tried to replicate your tanks, but it's hard to dig for oil when we can't even go out and survey the lands."

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